App for planetary times

That’s why I keep it basic. But I do enjoy working with the planets. I enjoy planning to do a wealth ritual on a Sunday in the hour of Jupiter.

But I don’t go digging so deep that I am down a rabbit hole. I don’t want to have to wait 10 days for a comet to pass and then 7 more for the moon to be in my birth sign or whatever.

I keep it simple and that way I am still enjoying what I’m doing.

There is nothing wrong with doing it because you enjoy it. Its a lot better to do something if enjoy it , than if you don’t. Look at a mundane job if I hate my job I’m not gonna do a good job or get any good results, but if I enjoy my job I will get good results. Same with magick love it and enjoy it. But don’t turn it into a tedious job that you then hate.

I enjoy working with days and the hour.

That’s about as far as I go other than the phases of the moon. And planning ahead for Mercury retrograde (because that is rough on me and yet some people it doesn’t effect at all)


I will say, those who find and practice proper electional rules never turn back.


The Planetary Hours is one of the most ancient astrological techniques as far as I’m aware. The entire art of traditional astrology is based off of the visible Planets and Stars. Neptune, Pluto and Uranus are not visible to the eye when looking at the sky, so they were not used.

We should keep in mind that astrology traditionally is not a material science. It does not hold that there is a material link between us and at the Planets and Stars. Modern Science agrees with this, as the gravitational force the Moon exerts on us is not nearly enough to cause any kind of effect on us. Far less so of the Planets.

Traditionally, the link between us and the Planets and Stars are spiritual, not material. So, because a Planet is material does not mean it needs to be considered necessarily. In my view, I consider the visible Planets and Stars to be more perfect indicators of the higher spiritual worlds from which everything descends. So, I personally do not look at either Neptune, Pluto, or Uranus.

Here is an interesting post from another traditional astrologer on here regarding light:

And here is also my post:


I can see your point, though.



You’re absolutely right!

Why I didn’t think about that? :thinking: :sweat_smile:


Thanks!!! :sparkles::pray::heart:


Moved to the Astrology category, hope that’s ok! :bouquet:

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