Xiandan (仙丹) a.k.a. Immortal Alchemy

Xiandan a.k.a. Immortal Alchemy is the belief of Xian immortals in Taoism and the study of whether or not they are more than just mythology. By comprehending wuxing, Taoism, internal alchemy, etc. and using metaphors of biology and natural science, we (the practitioners) are discussing our discoveries during our journey to reach the Heavens.

We also discusses the alchemical process of our techniques and hypotheses in depth with metaphors of natural phenomenon, science and biology in order to comprehend the Great Tao and the Tao within our techniques.

These are my hypotheses, techniques and discoveries so far:
1st realm:

Foundation stage.

  • Forming the spiritual roots.
  • Qi refinement phase. (Qi, Jing and Shen)
  • Houtian body refinement phase.

2nd realm:

Advancement stage.

  • Di refinement phase. (Di, Ren and Tian)
  • Xiantian body refinement phase.
  • Golden core phase.

3rd realm:

Transcendence stage.

  • Ziran (nature) refinement phase. (Ziran, Yang and Yin)
  • Renxian (human immortal) body refinement phase.
  • Nascent soul (spiritual foetus/fetus formed in Ziran with Yang energy) phase.

4th realm:

Ascendant stage.

  • Tao refinement phase. (Tao [道], Xiandan [仙丹] and Daoguan [道观])
  • Void phase. (Spiritual foetus/fetus develops further in Tao and later ascents to Daoguan)
  • Shenxian (spirit/divine immortal) body refinement phase.

Link to the Spiritual Roots Technique

I’m not sure of how Google Docs works, but I found a publishing option, so if that link doesn’t work for you, try this one

Circulation of vital energy, Qi, Jing and Shen

Circulation of collecting Qi

To collect Qi, one must circulate the vital energy in the motion of Breath. The airflow of inhaling goes down into your lungs which later goes up as you exhale. That is why it start from (1) to (3) and then (4) to (6).

It also circulates in the pattern of how we eat food (1), digest it (2), expose of excrement (3), as the energy and nutrition is absorbed (4) and spread throughout our body (5 and 6).

! The vital energy behaves sort of like gravity/magnitude. North and south pole of a magnet. Metaphorically, this can be seen as the creation of Earth.

Circulating Qi to transmute it into Jing

By looking at the flow of energy from the “Circulation of collecting Qi”, the energy happens to spin counterclockwise just like our Earth. If counterclockwise is to collect, then the opposite must be to use.

Qi burns around Jing and sort of behave like magma and lava. Magma moves below (1 and 2), Lava moves above (3). As it circulate around Jing, you must collect the heat/fire (4 and 5).

! Metaphorically, this can be seen as the early state of earth during its formation.

Circulating Qi around Jing to transmute it into Shen

Qi flows around Jing like groundwater both in dirt and caves (1). The water heats up and becomes steam that shoots upward as a geyser (2). The steam’s heat and vapor flows up into the sky, which later forms clouds (3). When the temperature has cooled down, the moisture in the clouds will condense and become rain (4). The rain then returns to becoming groundwater (1).

! Notice the flow of energy is counterclockwise, flowing through Shen to collect it.

Houtian body refinement circulations


Cleanse the body by using Shen through Qi to wash the body with a strong wind/pressure.
By understanding that Qi means Breath you could say that breath can symbolize wind. Shen (Water), with a strong wind would therefore be behaving like a strong river or a stormy weather that clear the area wherever it passes through.


Forge the body by using Jing through Qi to forge the body with a blacksmith’s fire.
Remember that Qi can symbolize wind, therefore using Jing (Fire) with Qi (Wind), Jing will become a blazing fire like the one in a blacksmith’s furnace, forging the body through a blacksmith’s fire.


Quenching the forged body with Shen (Water).


Tempering the hard and brittle body with Jing (Fire).

Using Jing and Shen to transmute Qi into Di:

A) Here Jing symbolizes volcanic eruption and how it makes Qi flourish.

The heat of the earth’s core melts the underground elements and flows as magma within the mountains (1 & 2). The magma becomes lava when the volcanoes erupt (3). After the volcanic eruptions has ended, the volcanoes will become dormant (4).

! Volcanic materials ultimately break down and weather to form some of the most fertile soils on Earth, cultivation of which has produced abundant food and fostered civilizations.

B) Here Shen symbolizes the water cycle and how it makes Qi fully transmute into Di.

Water from the mountains flows as rivers down to the ocean (1 & 2). The heat from the sunlight will slowly evaporate the water within lakes and seas, which condense into clouds that float back into land and later becomes rainclouds (2 & 3). In the end, rain will fall and form lakes, ponds and rivers (4).

! With Jing (fertilization) and Shen (rain) the land shall flourish and truly transform into the Earth we know of.

This is how Qi shall transmute into Di.

Sets of circulations for Xiangong:

Using Jing and Di to transmute Shen into Tian:

A) Here Jing symbolizes heat and Di is symbolizing the surface of the Earth.

The surface gets hot thanks to geothermal heat from the magma below the surface (1 & 2). Groundwater gets heated up and flows upward, forming hot springs and geysers (3). In the end, the magma remains underground, heating up more groundwater (4).

B) Here Di symbolizes atmosphere and Tian is symbolizing thunderstorms.

With downdraft from the sky and updraft from the surface, heat transfers moisture into the air (1 & 2). When the cloud droplets become too cold, they freezes into ice crystals. The updraft makes the ice crystals inside the cumulonimbus cloud rise up and collide with other cloud droplets that then forms graupels. When the ice crystals collide with the graupels, the ice crystal’s particles become positively charged, where the graupel’s particles become negatively charged (3). In the end, thunder and lightning is formed within the cumulonimbus clouds (4).

! Lightning is known as a Heavenly force.

Using Tian and Di to transmute Jing into Ren:

A) Here Tian symbolizes lightning and Di is symbolizing the lakes and seas.

! Some scientists believes that lightning bolts unlocked the phosphorus that was needed to create biomolecules, which formed the basis of life on Earth.

B) Here Di symbolizes the chemicals within large bodies of water and Ren is symbolizing life in its earliest form of microbes.

! Life being born from abiogenesis is a great metaphor for Di transmute into Ren.

Tian, Di and Ren is one big metaphor for the creation of life on Earth, from electrical energy into chemical energy.