Work Out Challenge [social]

Yesterday did half hour of aerobics using a YouTube video.
Now 6 lbs away from my goal weight :dancer:t2:
Dunno what else to do besides YouTube workouts without a gym membership. Normally Iā€™d run around the neighborhood, but itā€™s too cold and my nose turns into a mucus waterfall


Idk about pounds but Iā€™ve had to move my belt up two more loops, so Iā€™ve lost inches ! :smiley:

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Will start again was Busy due to examsšŸ˜­

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I have long believed that all of us are allocated a certain number of heartbeats, and thereā€™s no point wasting these on pointless exercise. Just say I die today; well, Iā€™ll die having smoked heaps of quality Cuban cigars (decades ago) and heaps of luxurious Virginia based pipe tobaccos. Iā€™ll die having experienced the transient wasting of nicotine overdose and caffeine abuse. Iā€™ll die having smoked lots of weed and the occasional hashish, whilst drinking alcohols ā€“ like Absinthe Superieure Grande Absente 69.


And when I die, I want to die with clenched fists ā€“ ready for the next fight!


Had the best kind of workout today hehehe
No need to do more


New deal: supersets up to failure + excess of protein and some carbs = in one month Iā€™ll get ripped. Or fatter, not sure.

Anyway, ow, my legs, it hurts like hell :smiley:


150 push ups
50 pull ups
10k steps Feb 21, Feb 22 djd same

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Last month or so Iā€™ve been getting over a painful shoulder injury, so Iā€™ve upped my alcohol intake to counter pain. Generally start about 10:30am and take it from there. Some herb too and of course, quality tobaccos, plus caffeine to even things out. I mean, why should I deny myself these simple - indeed timeless - pleasures?

Brave men and women fought and died to protect my right to use over-the-counter drugs and I use these in remembrance of them.


Iā€™m so far behind on thisšŸ˜…


Same man fuck this exam bs couldnā€™t workout at allā€‹:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Iā€™ve been trying to get in 12,000 steps a day. Reached my goal weight today! Celebrating with fried chicken haha

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Hell yea!! :metal:

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300 push ups
6k steps

150 push ups
30 pull ups
6k steps

With whatā€™s going and coming down in the world Iā€™ve been hitting the piss pretty hard. Who knows how long weā€™ve all collectively got, so Iā€™m doing the best I can with alcoholic spirit drinks in these troubling times. Iā€™ve also got a lot of quality, aged Virginia pipe tobaccos to get through, but Iā€™m trying hard, doing the very best I can in the circumstances.

I try to make every morning a Smirnoff morning and by about 11:00am I usually have. Donā€™t get me wrong, I appreciate the challenge of putting myself to the test ā€“ everyday. Iā€™m a Magician.

Iā€™ve been a (heavy) smoker for a bit longer than Catherine, Princess of Wales has been alive. Sheā€™s got cancer whilst I have barrel aged brandy to sip. And I never forget to thank Satan for His manifest blessings unto me. The only woman Iā€™ll ever love and who I thought loved me, did bad things then ran away and married a decent American guy who didnā€™t smoke. He died of lung cancer. Ainā€™t life grand?

Ps. Time for another Smirnoff, and who would have known?

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Still attempting suicide via nicotine and caffeine poisoning, but have recently augmented my regime with Hawthorn Berry, potassium and chromium. Iā€™m hitting the tablets hard and am way over the recommended dosages. Iā€™m also feeling a lot better than I have in a long time. - so Iā€™m still heavily hitting the alcoholic spirits to compensate.
Iā€™m a long time (Iā€™m not scared of death) Psychonaut who delights in essentially over-the-counter stuff.
And just on that point did I ever mention overdosing of Damiana (elixir, if you can get it)?
Keep journal notes, trust me.


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Where I am itā€™s cold and raining, and thatā€™s really all the excuse I need to smoke Black Afghani and consume Plantation O.F.T.D. Overproof (69%) Artisanal dark rum. I mean, why not? I see a Bad Moon rising, I see troubles on the way; therefore and to compensate, I try hard to get wasted.
So what are the rest of you doing, who posted in this topic? I havenā€™t lost my enthusiasm!


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Iā€™ve been dealing with some medical stuff.


Take careā€‹:white_check_mark::hugs:

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Hope you feel better soon
Take care :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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