TOM's free tarot readings (and more)

I’m down to trade if this offer is still open?


Sure, brother, just shoot me your question. I’ll be using the Heaven & Earth deck

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I’m not used to yes/no questions in readings like this, but the first card out was True Love (Lovers) reversed. I’d take that as a wait a moment before starting down this path.

Some things you can work on in the mean time are finding some personal (non-dependent on others) contentment that stems from your hard work. Take a moment to appreciate all that you’ve done this far and how it’s worked out for you. “Stop and smell the roses.”

Reflect on who you are, on the person that you are trying to become and how you have practiced in the past. What, of these, do you want to bring forward with you and what do you want to leave in the past? Are there any ways that you have been trying to take a shortcut? Those should be left behind. Are there any ways you have been incorporating you darker sides into your work? Those should be brought forward. Reflect on all parts of yourself, not just the ones are sunny and consider what needs to stay behind and what is worthy of moving forward.

Balance in all things. Sometimes there is something you might want that needs to be left behind. If you have habits that are contradictory to the teachings that you are wanting to follow, consider taking a sabbatical from them.

There was a Hindu guy at my school campus once with books. Here’s some of the ones I picked up but I’m not sure if they count as stories, beginner, to the side of Hinduism, or anything else.

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I’ll do it tomorrow. So just leave me your question and I’ll get to it once I’m done with the day-to-day tasks fro Monday :smiley:



You asked a yes no question, The Sun (yes). To add some clarity, 10 of Coins, 4 of Coins, The Chariot, 3 of Swords, and The Wheel of Fortune.

This opportunity is looking good and beneficial to you. It will bring what you’re looking for and hopefully more. Be mindful though of saving and spending, stability and greed. You can have everything you’re looking for, just make sure you balance between locking up & hiding away your treasure chest, and pouring it out in one go.

The Chariot signals that things will move at a fast pace for a while, changes are coming and while they might bring some amount of pain, everything moves in cycles. Both the good and the bad are a mandated part of existence. While the 3 of Swords might feel dire and tiresome in the moment, it too will pass and make room for beneficial times/changes.



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The last part, where you mention about hiding away it’s just too accurate, I’m doing all of this in secrecy, nobody has to know :upside_down_face:

That makes perfect sense! :boom:


Thanks @Laurel_Spider This clarification will lead all my way (girl I was literally frightened by this new job) Now my heart feels relieved :black_heart:


Reading your reading interpretations I did think of some things ways that I’m not in tune with that path currently.

Also that’s good helpful advice you read from the cards.

Lastly li appreciate the book suggestions :slight_smile:

So thank you very much very helpful.


Also if anyone want a reading I’m open to request maybe tomorrow. I’m a bit out of practice so bare with me.


I will do one circle reading for whoever responds first.


Me please!!! :heart_eyes:




Thank you so much! :relaxed:


I think I know what this about. Helping a good friend out, where I can, in a very dumb and uneccesary situation.

Brutal :joy:

An old childhood wound; I suppose it is time to finally deal with it. Yikes :upside_down_face:

Thank you @Laurel_Spider :black_heart:


It will probably be this afternoon my time before i can do it. All of my nephews missed the school bus this morning. So i have my hands full.


No problem at all! At your leisure :slight_smile:

Oof. Good luck!


Hey guys I’m interested in giving some free readings in honor of the Legendary Prince Orobas today.

I’m super bad at back reading

What are the rules and the readings public or PM


Do it in public or private, according to your own ideas (public is always better, but that’s just my opinion). If private, please both parties report here once the reading is done.

ETA: Please tell us how many readings are you giving before starting.


Fair enough, I’d like to offer 3 free readings

You may select one from the following options

A general 4 to 6 weeks future forecast

3 yes no questions


A specific matter or situation, ( I’ll usually do a three or one card at my discretion)

I will be using the Occult Tarot of Travis McHenry.

You have the option of public or private, my readings are the truth so I’m not bashful about doing them publicly. ( Thanks to Prince Orobas I’m very confident in my divination skills)

Let’s do this🐴


Thanks @ReyCuervo


Could I please have a:

I’m running baneful works on childhood abusers I have no contact with; I’m wondering if the cards could tell me how they’re unfolding?