TOM's free tarot readings (and more)

@FerusAnimi “Polarity Spider”

For a reminder on the tarot spread and things to think about for the cards, check out…

The Spider’s Head: As Above
9 of Wands.

You have just crossed a border or barrier that was in front of you (seen or unseen, you’ve taken a step forward that cannot/should not be undone). You are being guided to persevere even if the current situation is a headache or requires strength you feel you don’t have. Pay attention to what might be causing you distress. Although situations may seem uncomfortable, they are happening to create something better in your life.

The Spider’s Abdomen: So Below
Ace of Wands.

Be watchful of false opportunities. Somethings may present themselves that are best left untouched. Recognize temptation when it comes and make your choices aware that you are reaching for newness out of desire and not because you know you are on sure footing. Make sure any new friendships, business opportunities, and the like are real and will benefit you before stepping down that path.

The Spider’s First Leg: Self- Light
The Star.

You, as a whole and when you thrive can be seen as the “star.” The parts of you that are a beacon to others are your truth, sense of stability, and knowledge. The star does not masquerade as another planet, another person, another element. It is truth in its entirety and shines brightly full of wishes (& wish granting). People are attracted to you because of these qualities. This is the person you are when you feel complete and are shining your brightest.

The Second Leg: Self- Shadow
4 of Wands.

Stability and prosperity lurk in your shadow. Perhaps you come from a background where these were not prevalent, or perhaps you come from somewhere where these were held above all else. It doesn’t matter, what does though is that your relationship with stability, joy, prosperity have fallen into the shadows of yourself.

These are things you perhaps strive for and want greatly, you may even have them. But they are not really yours because they trap them as a prisoner. They keep you from experiencing their full weight. Maybe you are afraid to let go of “prosperity” and so you drive yourself away from joy, or maybe it is the other way around.

What remains true, is that you need to consider how this was allowed to enter your shadow at such a key place as the “self” and what you can do to move it into the light.

The Spider’s Third Leg: Emotions- Light
Justice Reversed.

The light side of your emotions show a need for Justice. However, the reversal adds to this reading that you may feel the need to be a vigilante type of figure or you may feel that you are benefiting from a lack of “justice.”

This card shows something you are content with, the sum of your positive emotions and those that are beneficial to your standing in this world.

The Spider’s Fourth Leg: Emotions- Shadow
8 of Swords.

The shadow side of your emotions is self-entrapment. You box yourself in and act as though the binding has been done by someone else. More than that, you act as though you cannot free yourself.

Think about the ways you feel emotionally blocked or trapped and think about why you are involved in this. There are many things we can blame other for without thinking twice, this is not one of them.

The shadow of your emotions is the feeling of having bound yourself and the ways you have. Consider darker ones emotions you feel stuck to, or even lighter ones that may feel inauthentic.

The Spider’s Fifth Leg: Aspirations- Light
The Chariot.

What light, positivity, and joy will your aspirations bring you? They will bring you movement, newness, communication, and a secure path. Your aspirations bring you the movement that you need right now, don’t be afraid to go with it.

The Spider’s Sixth Leg: Aspirations- Shadow
Knight of Cups.

What drives your wishes that is connected to your shadow? Wishes, daydreams, and pipe dreams. Be careful that you stay grounded in this reality when you go chasing dreams.

*The Spider’s Seventh Leg: View of Current Situation- Light
Queen of Pentacles.

A light, positive, uplifting view of your current situation is that you have either many of the things you once desired, or one key thing. This thing, or things, holds together much of your current lifestyle. Decide that you are worthy, grasp tightly what you want, and watch as it flourishes.

The Spider’s Eighth Leg: View of Current Situation- Shadow
The Hierophant.

The darkness of your current situation can be represented by religion, spirituality, and other related practices. Perhaps you are unsure where you should be going or what you are leaving/ have left behind. Be conscious that a shadow is not always meant to stay in the dark and consider how you can address this to bring yourself together on the front of religion, faith, spirituality, and/or magick. If you are afraid of the path you are walking, take a break and think about what has led you here and consider what you might gain/lose from continuing or walking away from something.