[TECHNIQUE] Spell of forgetting / memory binding / remove suspicion

This is a technique for a spell to make people forget events, to remove suspicion from you, and to bind the thoughts or memories of other people, using the powers of King Bael.

The powers of Bael are:

  • To remain unseen when you would otherwise be noticed.
  • To make somebody lose interest in you and your affairs.
  • To bring confusion and torment to anybody who enquires about a subject that you wish to remain hidden.
  • To make a thing or situation to appear as something other than it is.
  • To compel others to keep secrets for you.
  • To make men (people) invisible.
  • To garner the favour of others.

Originally I used this spell when someone was getting suspicious about my occult work and asking too many questions. I have also used it for more general purposes to great effect.

You will need:

  • A dark red, or black, candle
  • Pen and paper
  • Black (or white) thread
  • Red wine and a vessel for it
  • Opium incense
  • Optional: blood offering (fresh or dried)
  • Bael’s seal/sigil (digital format is fine, or you can trace or draw it onto paper).

Note: Any colour of thread or candle will do if, but the above are recommended. The same goes for the incense.


  1. Light the incense.

  2. Start listening to, or chanting, Bael’s enn (“Ayer Secore On Ca Bael”). You should be able to find audio of his enn being chanted by searching “Bael enn chanting” or “Baal enn chanting” on Youtube.

I like to combine a pure theta or alpha binaural beat, a rhythmic shamanic drumming track, and play Bael’s enn all at the same time.

  1. While chanting and/or listening, activate Bael’s sigil by gazing through it until it begins to flash or until you felt you have made contact.

  2. Pour yourself some of the red wine.

  3. Hold up the glass of wine. State Bael’s enn: Ayer Secore On Ca Bael.

  4. State, “in the name of the great King Bael, I imbibe of the water of forgetting.”

  5. Drink some of the wine – not all of it.

  6. Take your piece of paper and tear or cut it into a small square or rectangle, about the size of your palm.

  7. On the piece of paper, in black ink, draw or trace Bael’s sigil and write his name.

  8. Write your intent on the paper. Short and concise. In my case it was something like this: My occult practice is hidden from all eyes, and wiped from the memory of all who suspect, in the name of the Great King Bael.

  9. Roll the paper into a scroll (a tube).

  10. Using the thread, tie the scroll of paper closed with an odd number of knots (3, 5, 7, or 9).

  11. If you are making a fresh blood offering, smear or drip your blood onto the knotted thread. State, “Bael, I offer you this blood for the fulfilment of our pact. As it is concealed, so are my actions concealed and forgotten by any who suspect me.”

  12. Light the candle.

  13. When the candle wax begins to melt, tilt the candle so the wax drips over the knotted thread. Chant/repeat aloud “In the name of Bael, I bind the memories of those who suspect. In the name of Bael, may no one suspect what I wish to remain hidden”, or whatever else feels right to you, e.g. “In the name of Bael, my innocence is unquestionable. In the name of Bael, may no one suspect me of wrongdoing. In the name of Bael, I bind the thoughts of those who are suspicious of me.” and so on.

  14. As you keep chanting, continue to drip wax over the thread. Rotate the paper scroll, continuously, until you have formed a thick wax seal over the thread on all sides of the scroll. Around 5 to 10 minutes.

  15. If you are making a dried blood offering, put the scroll aside and light your sample with the candle. State, “I offer this blood for the fulfilment of our pact. As it burns to ashes, so too do the thoughts and memories of those who suspect me burn away to nothingness.”

  16. Once the dried blood offering has burned to ash (if used), state “As I extinguish the candle, so too do I extinguish the memories of those who suspected me.”

  17. Blow out the candle.

  18. State, “It is done.”

  19. Hold up the glass of red wine. State, “Bael, I give to you this offering in thanks for our pact.”

  20. Leave the glass of wine out on your altar, or wherever it won’t be disturbed. Dispose of it whenever feels right to you - in running water, or by pouring it on the earth. I usually leave offerings out for about 3 days; I recommend minimum 24 hours if it is possible.

  21. If you made a dried blood offering, dispose of the ash however you like: bury it, scatter it to the wins, or just flush it down the toilet. It is only ash.

  22. Bury the sealed paper scroll in the earth, or if that is not practical or possible, hide it somewhere out of sight, like pack it into a box and put it in the back of your closet.

It is done. :clap:t2:


  • If you are unable to purchase red wine, you can substitute it with any dark-coloured drinkable liquid, like cranberry juice or pomegranate juice. However, you should act as if it is wine. In other words, do your best to convince yourself that it is actually wine.

  • If you are unable to leave out offerings, then I would recommend (at step #21) changing your final statement to “Bael, I ask that you experience this offering through me, in thanks for our pact.”

Note: originally posted here. This is a cleaned up and edited version.


This seems super powerful upon a read through, next time I have a need I’ll definitely be trying this out. Thanks for the ritual info!


Awesome it’s here now. I love this ritual.


Bookmarking this! Thanks @Veil !