Nordic Magick Resource Thread

Hello All,

I am making this thread as a sort of catalogue for materials on Norse Shamanism and Witchcraft :innocent:

Feel free to place any links you have, or book recommendations.

The Way of Fire and Ice- Ryan Smith

Icelandic Magic- Stephen Flowers

A Modern Guide to Heathenry- Galindo Krasskova

A Practical Heathens Guide to Asatru- Patricia M. Lafayllve

Helrunar- Jan Fries

The Poetic Edda- Jackson Crawford

The Heathen- Asbjorn Torvol

Lessons of A Young Heathen- Asbjorn Torvol

Runes and Feminine Powers: Northern Mysteries and Magick- Freya Aswynn (personal favorite)

Youtube Links:

Be back with more :wink:


Futhark by Edred Thorsson. Got it just after it was published and found it next to useless - but I was young and naïve to the methods of Magick.


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So this play list is from the path i have been exploring for the norse and vedic pantheons alot of info on the varous mythologies from the perspective of how the norse myths are related to energy systems of the body found both in Taoism and various yogic practices how it can be applied and their various connections.

This path explores how to work with these forces from a primarily qigong standpoint while also utilizing ritual elements extracted from the vedic abd taoist sciences.