Looking for any recommendations for Northern/Norse/Germanic paganism starter books?

So like the title says I’m looking for starter info sources on Northern European paganism?

I have an interest in it because I have ancestors from that part of Europe.

I just don’t know where to start.

Greetings! Aside from the Eddas, this is a pretty good source in my opinion: Norse Magic and Beliefs - YouTube

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  • Prose Edda
  • Poetic Edda
  • Norse Goddess Magic by Alice Karlsdóttir
  • Icelandic Magic by Stephen E. Flowers
  • The Norse Shaman by Evelyn Rysdyk
  • Exploring the Northern Tradition by Galina Krasskova

Its basically a pagan reconstructionist movement. Full of racists nationalists, unfortunately. Runes weren’t used the way neopagans / heathens / magicians / etc. use them now, for example.


I would do ancestor work to connect with a pagan / witch from those bloodlines and ask for direct teachings, blessings, transmissions, and empowerments.

@Dankquanicus may have some insight in connecting with Thor. I believe that @itsnathanm7 has an extensive Norse pagan practice.


Good Afternoon!

At one point I did yes. Even came out to be a BALG affiliate. It’s been some time for me, but I can share what I know and/or some resource materials.


You have forgotten more than some of us have known - and I mean that. If you decide to share and have the time, we’d appreciate it. I certainly would.


I’m not understanding what you mean? Could you clarify please?


Its an acknowledgement of your knowledge, skill, and experience :slight_smile:


Myth is right.


Pagan witchcraft is the witchcraft that comes with homework (all witchcraft does but it more than any).

It’s one thing to call old gods and use modern techniques to work with them. It’s another to start walking towards the old magic- which I try to do both.

Now, it’s impossible to completely reconstruct it, but we can try. Especially because these traditions were very oral but also poisoned by Christian bias.

One of the best things you can do is study the old poems and sagas, but also look at other subjects, such as burial mounds, etc.

Here’s some resources that I recommend, sadly some of the ones I’d normally recommend are now gone so this list may seem short.


• Arith Harger
• Freyia Norling
• Jackson Crawford
• ThunderWizard
• BlackEarth Productions (I only recommend very specific videos, he really gets into UPG after those points)
• Ocean Keltoi
• Asbjorn Torvol’s old videos also have some small gems too

I’ll give you a book list at some point.

I recommend also studying the runes, meditating on them and learning what Galdr is. The right deities and spirits will come forward soon enough. Find the Landvaettir, start meditating on the 9 worlds, open your mind to them.


Edred Thorsson - anything.

Also, The Poetic Edda translated by Lee. M. Hollander.



I’ll give a secret because I feel generous :blush:

Futhark is a name the runic alphabet goes by or rather one of them.

The base word of Futhark is Futh or futha which translates to cunt or vagina but in a more balanced and fertile sort of way than the derogatory connotation those words have in the modern day.

This not only demonstrates the feminine powers of the path and feminine force and potential behind the runes but also shows the magical potential of the feminine genitalia.

What is also interesting is the first two runes the alphabet starts with have to do with fertility, abundance and virility, followed by Thurisaz, a rune of chaotic energy, much like pregnancy and birth.

Many paint this path to be ultra masculine when it is in fact quite feminine in nature.


That being said, it’s interesting because the sequence starts with Fehu, a rune of life, abundance and fertility and ends with Othala, the rune of ancestral powers, amongst other things.

Almost as if the sequence is also meant to represent the processes of life too. (I.e. life (Fehu/abundance and fertility) to the grave (Othala/ancestors)).


Yes, well said…

Wasn’t Odin known for practicing Seidr, something Volva (female practitioners) were purported to have dominated?



Odin practiced Seidr which was considered a feminine spiritual art. For a man to practice this at the time it was considered unmanly or “ergi”. The art was taught to him by Freyja, but despite Odin knowing it, one could be shunned or poked at for lack of a better term at the time for practicing it, also despite the fact that multiple spiritual warrior practices involved the basis for what made a Seidr practice.

Magic alters the Wyrd/destiny/fate/reality. Seidr is interesting because it’s the act of reweaving or weaving that web. Galdr is projecting onto the Wyrd, whereas Seidr is completely rearranging it to draw your goals to you.

However, there were specific titles for Seidr users, being the Seidmann and Seidkonna


Very interesting! The relationship between Galdr and Seidr seems a lot like the difference between Mysticism and Magick, as most people tend to see it.

But, yeah. Good luck being a big burly Berserker, or even an Ulfhednar (to some extent) without utilizing some form of magick/mysticism. From what I can tell, entheogens and trance had a great deal to do with both practices…


Bingo! The basis for those magical practices is trance possession.

All of those call in spirits to possess you to get the job done. The reason Seidr was seen as womanly is because you had to relinquish control, especially in those moments. For man back then they wouldn’t want that. Hence why men often took to Galdr.

However, there is indeed a relationship between the practices. Seidr was more of a form of divination. The Seidkonna prophesied while the Galdrmadr or “wizard” would do Galdr (chanting, sorcery) to change the outcome of necessary.

But. If one is smart, which they did realize this eventually, you can change those chords you’re seeing as you’re seeing it through trance possession and journeying.


The crazy part though? Is that not all berserkers and Ulfhednar were liked by society either.


Man, I fucking love this topic. Haha

Reminds me of this:

The Galdr (I believe?) starts around 4:58.


Here’s what I recommend from Black Earth Productions.

Anything else of his I haven’t watched or did watch and couldn’t understand what he was getting at tbh.

But each of those videos I linked has core information.