New Members Please Introduce yourselves here!

Then I think you are in the right place, with such a diverse group spanning all the different types of magic having similar goals, we really have a unique opportunity to learn and grow together.

Thank you welcome to our forums!


It’s nice to see you :smiley:


Hello everyone!
I’m Onion (or onyo, as a nickname some of my friends have given me based on that one video of a chef cutting an onion). I’m 20 years old from India.

I have not yet found a niche in magick, I’m still exploring. I have found success in hex breaking the few times I’ve done it, I’ve pathworked the qliphoth and I’m currently pathworking the gatekeepers. I am fairly confident in my divination abilities. My patron is Belial. I don’t work with a lot of angels but I do want to expand my skillset to angelic magic among other things. There are many fields(?) of magick that have my interest, and I wish to learn them, all in due time.

I’m glad to be here and look forward to learning from everyone :purple_heart:


Good to see ya here friend! :sunglasses:


Welcome to the forum, Onyo(n)!


Good to read Onyo! Welcome!


@here I increased the parameters for first day of membership. I didn’t see that option before, so we will not need to adjust trust level in most cases to fix it going forward.

I increased the max likes to 500 per day, and the maximum topics, and replies as well as a few other things my tired brain doesn’t remember.

I didn’t realize there was a first day set of settings, we adjusted the new member settings and it didn’t really help since it was over ridden by the first day settings.

The stupid things are on completely different pages, In totally different locations. It’ll be easier to adjust to our needs know there I know it exists and where to look for it.

Thank you guy for contacting us about this stuff, that’s what we need- I don’t know it needs fixed if I don’t know it’s wrong, and none of those things will happen to admin accounts so I totally miss them.


Welcome everyone and hi :wave:

I am Veil, from Australia. I have been practising on and off for about 15 years, with the bulk of that experience being over the last 7. I love pathworking, experimental magick, and consider myself handy at Tarot, especially developing my own spreads. I work mostly with demons and archangels, however the keystone of my practice is based on Goddard’s Law of Consciousness (aka Law of Assumption or Law of Belief, usually commonly mistaken with the Law of ‘Attraction’).

Metatron is my patron, and I am very close with Leviathan and Melek Taus as well. Right now I’m trying to decipher the secrets of Melek Taus, and performing a lot of healing work with Raphael’s guidance and assistance.

Nice to have you all here <3


Hi,I am Lady Ferluci . Some might remember me by another username. Good to see a lot of familiar faces here.

I am 40, I live in the UK. Have been using divination such as tarot, runes and pendulums for a couple decades, as well as doing channeling. But have been working with the goetia and magick for almost 2 years.

Am currently about to start my qliphoth initiation journey soon.

Looking forward to talking with you all again and also learning and sharing any knowledge

Have a good day all!


Nice to see you here:)


Thank you. Good to see you!


Welcome @all . Most of you slipped in while I was looking the other way. Nice to have you here.


Hello and nice to meet everyone
I am Jorjet, 25 years and come from Eastern Europe

I consider magic a part of my life that allowes me to evolve, heal and discover the deeps of my soul

I don’t have a specific path, i like to read and learn about all the Magic courents around the world


Hello Everyone!

My name is N.M. Ginnarr, many of you may recognize me from Become a Living God as their rune reader but also a forum member.

I’m mostly known for my knowledge and experience in Norse Shamanism but I also have expertise in Traditional Witchcraft, Hoodoo, Brujeria, Demonology, and more.

I have also begun to spread my wings into Quimbanda and other Afro-Caribbean magick.

I currently reside in Arizona in the United States and am in my 20’s.


Welcome @Jorjet and @itsnathanm7 ! Nice to see you both again


Nice to see you again too !!


Welcome @LadyFerluci @Jorjet and @itsnathanm7 (seriously mate, this one username is the one I can’t spell right for the life of me :rofl:)

I’m really glad to have you all here :smiley: Enjoy the forum, my casa es su casa


I know I’ve said this before, but I do hope you write about this, particularly the Norse shamanism and seidr.

I have only begun to read about the topic, despite all the other Shamanic paths I have studied. I’m curious to see the meat and potatoes and what I could possibly implement into what I do, to make my practice better. I work with dreams and journeying a lot, so I feel a deeper look into the topic would be personally beneficial.

Welcome to everyone else as well, (I had other names and things I wanted to reply to and got sidetracked, sorry!)

I am glad to see you join us in our brand new beginning.


Perhaps, writing about that topic lowkey scares me though lol.