New Members Please Introduce yourselves here!

Welcome everyone and hi :wave:

I am Veil, from Australia. I have been practising on and off for about 15 years, with the bulk of that experience being over the last 7. I love pathworking, experimental magick, and consider myself handy at Tarot, especially developing my own spreads. I work mostly with demons and archangels, however the keystone of my practice is based on Goddard’s Law of Consciousness (aka Law of Assumption or Law of Belief, usually commonly mistaken with the Law of ‘Attraction’).

Metatron is my patron, and I am very close with Leviathan and Melek Taus as well. Right now I’m trying to decipher the secrets of Melek Taus, and performing a lot of healing work with Raphael’s guidance and assistance.

Nice to have you all here <3