QiGong & Daoist Magick

The Wuji: Infinite Space

The Wuji is the state of no boundaries, the state of pure and complete oneness. Its essence is that of emptiness…which relates to the awareness aspect of our Shen Xian (Eternal Soul)…Like an invisible web, it is through the Wuji that the Divine manifests its infinite form…Within the energy of the Wuji is the history of knowledge gathered and stored since the beginning of time.

The energy of Wuji, or Void, connects all matter and transcends all space (Yin) and time (Yang). It predates Heaven (Yang) and Earth (Yin), and has been referred to as an endless and unfathomable state of “images without form”. It is through the Wuji field that matter is able to stabilize and molecules are able to communicate with one another.

Encoded Bio-Information: Xin Xi & The Akashic Records

The Wuji records every action, thought, emotion, light, and sound that manifests in existence. The billions of molecules that work together (for a time) to form our bodies carry all of the knowledge and experiences of our ancestors. These “records” (energetic impressions) can be accessed via spiritual methods.

  • The Internal Perceptional Dimension of Wuji: internal, contains the blueprints of life and the personality
  • The External Perceptional Dimension of Wuji: external, infinite, indescribable, immaterial, containing all things, all-permeating


Three Universal Principles: Wuji, Qi & Shen

The Wuji is one of three universal principles, along with Qi and Shen, which form a trinity of intuitive and psychic power. These three universal principles also manifest in the human soul, allowing divine thought to infuse matter.


Ref: Chinese Medical QiGong Therapy Vol. I (Jerry Alan Johnson)