A Theory about root of black magick

Hello this is a text that reflects opinion of a russian magician named Andrey Kosmach who is claimed that is one of International occult orders prominent members.
Actually I wanted to send it in @Dankquanicus topic but then decided to create a new topic about it, as I want to discuss this text and get the opinions of TOM members

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"It should be clearly noted: black magic, as a product, was not created by any mythological wandering sorcerers. This is a classic product of the Holy Roman Inquisition.

The first stage is the early Middle Ages. The main ideologists of this process were Thomas Aquinas, Anselm of Canterbury and Peter Laertes.

It was they who formed the first concept of the devil as such. Then he was considered exclusively as a tempter who does not interfere with the physical essence of man. The main thing was the psychological struggle - temptation, but no more.

Then there was the second stage, this is 1398, when a treatise of the University of Paris appeared, which stated that an agreement with the devil was necessary for practicing black magic. It is in this period of time that the so-called Canon of black magic is created.

Then came the era of the Renaissance and the exact opposite of the early Middle Ages happened: the devil turns into a classical tyrant. Now he is already a tormentor and murderer, which is introduced into the physical essence and destroys not just people, but huge groups of people. And the so-called book canon of black magic is created.

Appears “Small Key of Solomon” - “Lemegeton”, which consists of 5 books - Ars paulina, Ars notoria and others. Whether the Lemegeton created the Inquisitors is not known.

In the 15th century, the book of the magician Abramelin appears, which was completely written under the dictation of the Roman inquisitors. By the way, when I was studying the artifacts of the Vatican Apostolic Library, together with my comrades, we found documents that confirm all this.

In the XVI century appears Henry Cornelius, Agrippa. He wrote whole works. Fundamental, such as the Book of the Dead. All this was written entirely under the dictation of the Inquisitors. The book Witch’s Hammer was also written by two German inquisitors. Then came Johann Weyer, a student of Agrippa, with his book Pseudo-Monarchy of Demons.

And everything further was already created by the Roman Inquisition. This is the grimoire of Pope Honorius, and the grimoire of Pope Leo, and Black Hen, and the Toad without a head and so on.

And now, at first glance, it would seem that all these are completely stupid literary works, but they are in demand."

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Very interesting! Thanks for posting this.

I think it would be very difficult for the author to prove some of their claims, unless they cite which texts “confirmed all of this” that they found in the Vatican Library, which sounds unlikely. And just because it is in the Vatican Library doesn’t say too much about their validity, either. So, the texts would have to be examined.

But on the origin of Demons, in the Crowley and Mathers translation of the Lesser and Greater Keys of Solomon, they say that this idea of Solomon binding Demons to do his bidding was actually mentioned by Josephus. He was said to have mentioned several books circulating in his time that spoke of Solomon like this. That would trace this idea as being quite a bit older than the Medieval Ages, at least. But I’m not sure if he mentions these as Grimoires, but Solomon in the Middle-Eastern cultures was also seen as a great Magician, one who binds Jinn. So, they may have indeed been grimoires, in which case this pre-dates the ideas brought on by the Inquisition about black magick.

There were also other works of “Black Magic” in the Early Medieval Ages. They referred to some of these works as “Nigromantia”, meaning “Black Divination”, which is a reference to their use of astrology. These were astrological magick grimoires. Thabit Ibn Qurra’s ‘De Imaginibus’ was one of them, and if I remember correctly, Albertus Magnus (Who was the teacher of Thomas Aquinas) calls this work as such in his ‘De Mineralibus’ (But, I’d seriously have to read it again to see if I recall correctly! I know he recommended Thabit Ibn Qurra’s works to read to learn more about astrological magick). But I don’t believe this relates too much to the Black Magick that the Inquisition members seem to have spoke of.

With the texts The Sworn Book of Honorius, and the Black Pullet (?), it would be hard to say if these were made by members of the Inquisition, since they are anonymous. So, it seems the claim relies on the “Vatican texts” that the author claims to have found. But the author claims that Johann Weyer wrote the Psuedomarchia Daemonium, which is understandable since it appears in one of his works, while a copy of the original text hasn’t been found, but it doesn’t seem to have been written by him. He censors some of the text, but the Book of Oberon gives the uncensored text, which makes me think multiple manuscripts of the text were circulating at the time.

But in some way, you could say that Black Magic is the product of the Inquisition, through the views that they built up, and they seem to have invented this claim of evil demon worshiping sorcerers, which seems to be part of the author’s point!

I’ll have to look more into this! Thanks again for posting this, it’s actually good to have this on here.

Edit: I added some information, and fixed a misunderstanding of the author that I had.

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I misunderstood the author, so I have fixed parts of my message bearing that misunderstanding! The misunderstanding was that they were saying that the Inquisition made these Demonic black magick grimoires as well, but as I understand it, they mean that these arose out of the views of Denons and the Devil that the Inquisition brought on.

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Also I didn’t understand fully!
I don’t know does he mean that these grimoires and demons are product of inquisition(they are egregores created under supervision of church and inquisition)? Or our viewpoint and approach about all things that we call as black magick is the product of inquisition!
As E.A koetting wrote that the medieval grimoires are dead wrong and using name of god or even jesus is influenced by inquisition or church!

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As I understand it, he is saying that much of the Renaissance “Black Magick” body of texts were created by the Inquisition, and so influenced the later modern ideas of black magick. Not that these demons were created by the inquisition.

I wouldn’t trust Koetting. On trusting him in general, he has openly admitted to lying on his YouTube channel. I’m not sure about him lying in his books, but I wouldn’t take him as reliable.
But it is true that Medieval “Black Magick” was influenced by the Church, although I’m not sure about it being influenced by the Inquisition yet. But this is because all the practitioners were very devout Christians, and the spirits in these grimoires are given as Fallen Angels, so it seems natural to call upon God or Jesus for protection (As in the Psuedomonarchia Daemonium), through the various names of God. This was also standard in the Angelic Magick of the time, so this was just natural! But I’m unsure if the Church directly influenced these black magick grimoires, that seems unlikely, it’s more that these texts were written by highly devout Christian practitioners.

As I said on the other thread, there is no evidence that practitioners in the Medieval Ages or the Renaissance really worshiped these Demons, that is more of a modern practice following the change in how people view the Devil and Demons after LaVey.

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