Strategic Sorcery: Work-Through & Review

Week Two: The Subtle Body & Energy Part I

The title of this lesson is different from what is listed in the online course description (“Subtle Bodies and Channels”). It consists of another (lengthier) pdf with no audio, video, or illustrations. Energy, Spirit, Psychological, Information, and Meta Models of Magick are briefly discussed.

The reader is once again directed to a passage from The Sorcerer’s Secrets. The subtle realms and their divisions across different traditions are discussed. Miller presents a seven body system for Strategic Sorcery and acknowledges that further bodies (such as the rainbow body) can be developed. I appreciated this note:

“It is also a mistake for the sorcerer to ascribe positive or negative qualities to these levels…Just as matter is forever longing to embrace the subtle realms of spirit, so too is spirit ever seeking to kiss the manifestation of matter.”

Etheric anatomy is then discussed at length. The reader is redirected to the Pillars and Spheres and Pore Breathing exercises from The Sorcerer’s Secrets . They are not provided, but are expanded upon with energy drawing exercises quite similar to the exercises in @norse900 's Pele Grimoire.

An exercise similar to Pulsing the Web from Sex, Sorcery, and Spirit is provided:

All in all, this is a solid lesson. It is not just a repackaging of TSS, but the book is absolutely required to unpack the information. It is unfortunate there are no illustrations of the etheric anatomy discussed. I am looking forward to practicing the expanded exercises.