Experimental magick: Insanity Curse Volunteers

Hello everyone,


I’d like to try out 2 insanity curses. One with Dantalion and one with Sitri. As such, I am looking for two volunteers who would be able to keep tabs on a target and check in probably weekly, and if something of note happens then more frequently. If you’d like to volunteer yourself…I don’t know if that’s going to be something you should do.


  • I’m looking for 2 forum members with a history of engaging with the forum, I have to be able to at least see what kind of things you do.

  • You have to be able to check in with me at least once every 10 days, but ideally the same day every week.

  • We’ll probably be in communication for a few months.

  • You understand this is experimental and the point is to test something, I’m not out here guaranteeing your least favorite person is going to devolve into madness.

  • You can’t interfere with the magick because it’s a test. Which means, you can’t also have active magick going on surrounding the target. You also cannot, for example, be physically causing a potentially insanity-inducing environment for them.


  • I am not giving out these rituals, they are experimental and I’m uncomfortable with that.

  • I may publish them later though, your experiences will probably make it into that so please make sure you’re okay with your findings potentially being publicized at some point (in this event, I will remove names).

  • I’ll be reading cards about interested parties’ situations - unsure if these will be shared. If they are, it would be in PM.

  • Rituals would begin in early August.

Open until two volunteers are cleared by the spirits, or until August.

Please reply here if interested.