On the Demiurge, the One, and the Source

So basically it’s like a stem cell: it created itself and created everything.

What’s divinity?

I cannot comprehend, but I do know it can be estimated, divined so to speak…

In Hebrew nahash is snake and also lenahesh to guess and to divine…

What you cannot analyze you can guess in my book…

Ohhh, would you mind sharing? I have a slight fascination in this area :eyes:

Of course :relaxed: not a worry (edit: and I updated the tags to match)


It did not create itself. It had no beginning, and so it has no end. Iamblichus describes The One as similar to a fountain that is overflowing. You see, The One, as well as all the Gods, have need for nothing. They are eternal and lack nothing. The One does not need anything that came after it, but it is in its nature to overflow, “it’s goodness overflows”. It is similar with The Gods. The One and The Gods are infinite and not contained in a space. The entire world relies on them, they who inwardly nourish the entire cosmos. The infinite inwardly nourishes this finite world.

Unfortunately I don’t remember it off the top of my head. I discovered it on that other forum through a Zulu practitioner, but I thought the name was very beautiful since it means “They who first appeared”. Although in the context of the post they used it to refer to The One, but this name was also applied to the Supreme God of the Zulu tradition. Now, The Demiurgos is intimately connected to The One, so this makes sense to me.


Which brings us to the epicurean paradox, which is another worm hole to go into. I’m loving this thread, philosophy at its core!


But everything has a measure, infinity also has a measure. Math teaches us that. Everything is a group in the worlds.
Even the empty group, we simply need to find all its members and count them or show a rule matching the members of the group to some other group of known size…

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Firstly, may this response be pleasing to the Gods, and may they aid me in writing this, and hopefully it shall be close enough to the truth.

Now, my current view is that evil is more the result of “distance”. Plato refers to The One as “The Good”, and all the Gods are considered to be Good. However, we might envision The One and The Gods as a fire. The Forms in the Divine Mind may be like the fires, but this light descends through the many worlds, down to ours. But, this light has gotten dimmer and dimmer, to the point where the things in this world are like shadows of the things above.

I wish here to quote something from Marsilio Ficino:

"I have said elsewhere that down from every single star (so to speak Platonically) there hangs its own series of things down to the lowest…Under the celestial Serpent or the entire constellation of the Serpent-bearer, they place Saturn and sometimes Jupiter, afterwards daemons who often take on serpent’s form, in addition men of this kind, serpents (the animals), the snake-weed, the stone draconite which originates in the head of a dragon, and the stone commonly called serpentine…By a similar system they think a chain of beings descends by levels from any star of the firmament through any planet under its dominion. If, therefore, as I said, you combine at the right time all the Solar things through any level of that order, i.e., men of Solar nature or something belonging to such a man, likewise animals, plants, metals, gems and whatever pertains to these, you will drink in unconditionally the power of the Sun and to some extent the natural powers of the Solar daemons.” (Marsilio Ficino, Three Books on Life, Kaske & Clarke trans. (MRTS, 1989) Bk. III, Chap. 14, p. 311. I have taken this citation from Christopher Warnock’s 'Fixed Star, Sign, and Constellation Magic)

So, as I said earlier on this topic, in this world we see many Scorpions, all in different forms with different characteristics, such as having different colours, venom, size, etc. But there is one eternal space from which Scorpions descend, and that is signified by the Sign Scorpio. And indeed, when we create a talisman with the Ascendant in Scorpio and all factors aiding, that talisman has power over the earthly scorpion and is able to strengthen or weaken them or do any other thing to them.

So, while everything here is many and takes on many forms, they seem to descend from a higher spiritual form that is eternal and has power over them (As Plato says in his Timaeus (There regarding the Body of the World in relation to its Spirit and Soul), it is improper for the inferior or younger to rule the superior or elder).

Things here are many but appear sparser the higher we go upwards, so to speak.

Now, in my personal experience, when I have prayed to some of the Planets when they were in their Detriments or Fall (They are seen to bring ill to the world when they are in these places), I got the sense that they were “distant”. Their distance is what caused this trouble in the world. One might say their light is dimmed. This does make sense to me as their Detriments are the opposite or furthest point from their Houses, and their Falls are the furthest point from their Exaltations on the Zodiac.

So I take that as one case for this idea of distance and dimming of the light.

Now, another view that I am open to, would be that it may very well be necessary that evil exists for the world to function as it is. I look at the plants in my garden, and the bugs that come to eat them, and I realize, in nature all is contained. The water nourishes the plants, the plants take from the earth, the bugs are nourished by the plants and from other bugs, and it is the same for the animals, and yet their image of immortality is maintained. Reproduction is their image of immortality, and with it, everything is balanced and taken care of in the world.

Now, it is not very pleasant to think that the Daimons of the Stars cause all evil in the world. You could view this as “bad work to be done” to keep the world in its perfection (and ultimately, only the forms of earthly things are lost. They constantly transition, and the spirit is eternal). That is certainly one view, and appears to be a traditional one as well.

Of course, my current view is more following the idea of distance. Like shadows distant from the light.

What do you mean to say through this?


What I mean to say is that a measure is a limit.

Anything manifested has a measure and therefore a limit and so a the source is limited…


Why does a measure imply that something is limited?


I’ll use an example: infinity has a limit, but it’s very very large. Why?

Let’s say you have 2 gallons of water and you keep adding water after some point in time you’ll reach an infinite amount of water, it’s just a thought experiment.

If you can measure the water you limited it, because you gave it X amount of gallons of water.

Here’s the definition of unlimited from Google: “ not limited or restricted in terms of number, quantity, or extent.”

Basically, the way I see it measuring is limiting something because it’s not less or more but exactly what you measured afterwards you can analyze it…

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Now, part of how I define “infinite” here is that it is without limit. For example, some believe that the universe is infinite. What does this mean? This means that if you go in one direction of the universe, you will never reach the end. If there is an end to the universe, this means that it was never infinite to begin with. Infinity has no start, and it has no end.

So, with that, we might agree that infinity is limitlessness, such as in the case of an infinite universe. With the water example, that is infinite access. The water that is measured is the water that has been brought forth into a countable way. But if we can run out of water then it is not infinite. What is infinite in that example is the potential of water. If we have an infinite body of water, and you ask, how much water is here? We cannot count it, except by saying “an infinite amount”. If we can give any number as the quantity of the actual body of water, it is not an infinite amount of water.

So, is infinity measurable? And if so, then how does that measurement imply infinity is limited?


Infinity is endless uncountable greater. Hence that’s why it’s ineffable (source)

Edit: I was going somewhere with this, but I’m at the mall with my son and got interrupted….hopefully I will remember later.


Thank you for that @Vitriol. I was taught that we get uncountable infinity, and countable infinity.

Now, countable infinity is like this: We can count numbers normally, like 1, 2, 3, 4, and onwards to 99, 100, etc. and upwards. And I think we will all agree that there is no point where we can say “that is the highest number”. Rather, the numbers continue to go higher (or lower) into infinity. That is countable infinity.

With what has been said here, @Jk999, will you still say that a measure implies something is limited?


God supposedly was everything and filled all, then Tzintzum is the space he made…the space was like a womb, Keter filled that space well…like you know. The symbolism is very sexual.

As for hell. It’s considered one of the things that existed before the earth I believe

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That’s according to Isaac Luria. Basically from chaos order or rectification “ordo ab chao “. Yes a space was filled but it refers to the infinite light or infinite void into the finite space.

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Ok. Maybe infinity is unlimited. But, a measure does allow us to approximate it…

Is uncountable infinity measurable?

To measure is to count…

If you cannot count the amount of something you cannot measure it…


I understand the logic you’re employing here, that’s a really good way to illustrate what you were saying :love_you_gesture:


I haven’t chimed in yet because I’m enjoying the conversation. The level of respect and maturity among this forums members is much better than that other wack forum.

I just think it’s cool we can have a rational, explorable, good intentioned discussion here on something that is very important. Everyone’s own experience and beliefs on this is very personal and most Occultists without a good degree of time in this path have a difficult time, being faced with ideas that challenge what they believe. The ability to allow others to challenge your understanding and help you change, grow and evolve is critical to success.

On the other forum we’d see gross UPG being bandied about by simpletons and charlatans as if it were factual. Arguments would become defensive and irrational.

I’m not seeing that behavior here. I’m really pleased actually. In my view our community may be smaller but we’ve got some great minds and awesome talent, real up and coming magicians here.

Keep on my friends. :love_you_gesture::blush:


And so then how do we approximate something?