What's your moon sign?🌙

Reminds me of my situation with Aquarius


Mercury isn’t afflicted by combustion when it comes to his natural signification of mental faculties, and, in some cases, by extension, profession. Being close to the sun keeps the mind hot, which is why you’ll see many intellectuals with that configuration.

It took Mercury 5 minutes after he was born to steal Apollo’s cattle. Not afraid to approach him!


I was curious and found this mercury calculator
I have no idea what this Prometheus means though :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Thank you! I have much to learn. That makes a lot of sense then.
Most of my interest has been astrological magick, and some traditional electional astrology, for which having Mercury combust is at least not ideal in most cases. But for some weeks now I have been looking into traditional natal astrology, so this is helpful to learn!


No problem. Of course, a lot depends on what type of combustion it is. It’s better to be combust in air sign than a water one, for example.

Can I ask in what degrees is your Sun and Mercury?

Some examples I remember off the top of my head where the combustion isn’t detrimental to intelligence are Louis Pasteur, Niels Bohr, Francis Bacon, Paul Dirac, Gauss and Tycho Brahe

It is worth noting that in all of the above Mercury is in chariot, which may explain the lack of apparent harm. An odd one out to this observation is Max Born, whose Mercury is just outside his bound, thus burned properly. I’m sure I could find another one, if i looked hard enough. Not a resolved matter in my book, for sure, but at this point it doesn’t appear to me like combustion is as grevious in this capacity, as with other things.

Is it better for Mercury to be under the beams than combust? Probably.

Is it better for him not to be under the beams at all? Probably.

It is logical that an uncommon wit manifests under uncommon conditions. Mercury is infleunced by the sun to some degree more often than he’s not, so him being away from it alltogether is pretty rare, just like exceptional intelligence. Most scientists or brilliant people have him strong in one way or another - rising heliacaly, exalted and on an angle, away from the sun, etc.

A good example of things going by the book is Leibniz. You don’t have to be a genius to see why he was one!


I was born with the Sun in 21⁰ Libra, and Mercury in 19⁰ Libra, Retrograde.

And very interesting regarding Mercury combust not necessarily doing much harm to the intellect (And interesting to look at Francis Bacon’s Natal Chart!). I appreciate the explanation and examples of this. With Mercury often being combust, it makes sense then that it wouldn’t usually signify at least a below average intelligence.


Day or night chart? If it’s a night chart it could be explained by mercury’s triplicity, which some greeks did interpret as protective from the sun’s heat.

Indian astrologers also don’t count combustion if it’s happening in an angle by whole signs, or is angular by sign from that of The Moon. This seems a bit far-fetched to me, but who knows.


I should have specified! It is a Day chart, and Mercury was not Angular (Although I won’t say where publicly).