Sitra Achra Gloria

Thx dagar


I appreciate you


You might want to include the rivers of the Greek underworld here, or the Greek names of the four winds. In the circle. More relatable than, say, Gaap.


Fuck that’s an awesome idea…zephyr eurus, can’t remember the other two I’ll look it up though. Great idea though I’ll probly remake that tomorrow if I get some down time. ( Hell freezes over before I get a god damn bit of down time) :laughing::laughing::laughing:

  • boreas (north)
  • euros (east)
  • notos (south)
  • zephryus (west)

Thanks for that, I just got done doing a pod cast and I have one more project I gotta do before bed I think I’ll make that triangle now what are the 4 rivers names and their directions too


Acheron, Cocytus, Phlegethon, Styx. There is also Lethe. You gotta wing it for directions :woman_shrugging:


AWESOME :+1: this is good I’ll have a spooky Greco triangle


Will definitely add this to my grimoire


Ok so inspired by @Mythopoeia

My spooky Hecatean Greco triangle of art

( For spirits the require a Mother’s touch)


Very cool! Excited to see how it works out for you :slight_smile: :magic_wand:


Used it today with King Belial.

He actually wasn’t a TOTAL dick this time when he showed up. If that’s all it does… consistently…I’ll take it. :laughing::laughing:


Sunday morning in the Temple of the Backwards Tree


Really like that setup, dude. Nice clean picture and you know it’s genuine.


Thanks man, yeah it has good vibe to it and turned into a nice picture.


Hey guys check this out

I found this in mom’s house and I inquired into it and she thought it looked ugly. I asked if I could have it and she says yes. One woman’s trash is another man’s treasure.


What will you do with it? :shell:


Idk even …but something special needs to go in there and it feels like a tarot Im gonna buy today.


I like that idea…


Catching up some of the recent goings on with me.

I’ve been pretty checked out the last 10 to 14 days days I think.

It’s not because of anything here or with anyone from here. Nothing like that. I treasure OM and the people that make up this community. I keep my concept of wealth and how much treasure I have based on the concept that people and relationships are my most valued treasure. So don’t worry that I had some kind of negative interaction and wanted some distance. Most of the time if there’s to be a disagreement I can work out reasonably and amicably. So don’t worry about that angle.

Things got really stressful at work for a couple weeks. Thanks @Jk999 for being so helpful during a challenging time bro.

For reasons I won’t disclose Prince Orobas and I had been bickering and quarrelling non stop for about two weeks.

It came to a head when he issued an ultimatum to me and threatened to leave and assured I would not see him again, in this life or any other. His doors would be closed to me forever.

This was quite a gambit for Prince Orobas and he had to weigh probabilities very carefully before doing that. My first reaction was to lash out and say "Well if you’re gonnago, go. I don’t need you anymore, I am the Great Mike Bee!

King Bael had not been a party to the problems we’d been having and stayed largely neutral. Before I could actually speak those words I felt his hands in my shoulders and he whispered, “choose your next words VERY carefully, there will not be another chance given if they are spoken in haste and anger”

… I had a stressful period where I was extremely dissatisfied with my life, my responsibilities, my place, I felt choked and restricted.

I had been isolating myself from friends and family and self medicating at an usually strong rate of frequency in this period.

This led to a real set of problems with Prince Orobas who just wasn’t having any of it and wasn’t going to pick up the slack for me anymore.

I realized in that moment by asking myself am I the living embodiment of divine self loathing, rebellion, hatred, and discontent? No, I am a living breathing aspect of divinity swinging on the spiral of his divinity and still being a human.

Then all of my resentment and feeling trapped and choked turned into gratitude for everything and everyone in my life and I realized in that moment how privileged and honored I was to occupy this space at this point in time. To be exalted through the weight of my responsibilities.

It bit me like a bolt of lightning. I don’t know if it was some spooky Prince Orobas Magick I’ve never seen him do before or if this was a God throwing a lightning bolt towards someone who desperately needed to wake the fuck up… …idk.

As soon as I realized this I was able to settle this matter with Prince Orobas and get back to my work and my schedule happily and with great enthusiasm and passion.

Basically I needed to reframe my thoughts through a lens that more clearly reflected my reality.

I needed an attitude adjustment. Important to note I don’t do well with tough love or criticism when I’m in this kind of state, it just makes me want to argue that I’m right for carrying this resentment with me. I wouldn’t and won’t listen to anyone in that condition. Think of a beligerent drunk. That’s kinda what my behavior looks like towards others trying to help. Id refuse help to hold my head up out of the toilet if I was puking preferring to drown potentially in my own vomit.
I can be really really hard headed.

I need more work my shadow yes I see that. More integration. I am not doing another round of Qlippoth ANY TIME soon. There are plenty of other ways to work with the shadow and I’ll be doing that.

So this story had a happy ending.

I think there are a few times each year for two or three weeks that I get uncomfortable with the relationship that Prince Orobas and I have and I rebel and try to beat my chest and shout that I am sovereign. Not knowing where I begin or end is a troubling thing to me. Prince Orobas is so much a part of me now that I divide this life into two categories of time, pre and post Orobas.

I fear, irrationally at some points that this has all been a clever trick and that my dear friend is walking me a slow leisurely pace with a collar and leash towards the gates of hell. That I was too stupid to see this all along and will suffer serious afterlife consequences for all the things that he granted me in life.

This is madness and I absolutely have to stop this shit. The reality is if he was walking me to my doom he’d have found a way to do it that didn’t involve him being so helpful and working so hard on my behalf even when I was against my own self. He wouldn’t have wasted 23 years of time and energy to see me to hot gates of nehemoth.

We’ve seen other magicians die before their time in unnatural ways and I strongly suspect their allies were in cahoots with their enemies to the point that they wasn’t actually much distinction between the two. That’s where alot of this fear comes from I think. I’ve seen it happen a few times when there is too much trust.

I think I’m just gonna run a Ronald Reagan era policy from now on with all spirits that is summed up with the words “Trust, but verify!”

To be fair the magicians I’ve seen this happened to were really egotistical monsters, I mean like above and beyond the kind of egotistical shit we see in ourselves on the LHP but this shit goes really alot further than anything most of us could tolerate. It also seems to be a pattern among these doomed magicians to be control freaks unable to trust and heavy heavy with the torture and discipline tactics.

I’m grateful to @norse900 for teaching me the proper way to handle spirit discipline. If you are too heavy handed and mete out punishment for every slight real or imagined or any failure or mistake on the spirits part you can bet your ass they’re gonna hate you. Real fast. What comes next is a campaign to cause your downfall and it’s signature trademarks are an untimely and unnatural way of going. We can only imagine how much suffering the afterlife brings. Yeah…

Anyway Prince Orobas and I have settled our differences, for better or worse were in this together, and we’re in it to win it.

Besides Mike Bee knows he’s great!..but without Prince Orobas…well he’s definitely not what he was with Prince Orobas.

So Prince Orobas thank you for your patience and always putting the extra, into my ordinary.

Me without Prince Orobas is like a peanut butter sandwich for lunch. Fucking boring. Together we are the quintessential Peanut butter and Jelly sandwich, which is so much better. So much better.

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. I am at the top of my game professionally and have never been this wealthy or successful. I haven’t even reached my zenith yet.

The top feels so much better than the bottom, so much better…- 50 cent.
