Repeating Dream Locations

I’ve been to the same place in my dreams many times. I don’t remember enough to map it out, but they have been consistent enough that I notice differences if any. I don’t astral project (consciously at least), and don’t think of those locations to have an astral construct of them.

These are 2-3 different places,I see myself in them multiple times. Any idea of why or what it is?


Maybe a recurring real life 3d situation you’re trying to manage. Ie stress from exams etc and a bit of personal life getting in the way! Just my opinion!


Could be :thinking:

The question I’d ask is: what do those places mean to you?

I have had a few places I’ve seen across different dreams (not counting the recurring nightmares I had as a child)… you say you don’t remember enough to map them out, but maybe you should try doing that, when you have some spare time. A lot of the time, constructing a map of your dream landscape (especially when you’re seeing the same place multiple times) can be an effective tool for conscious astral projection, similar to how recording dreams makes it more likely to remember dreams, and then to have lucid dreams/AP/OOBEs.


They’ve been grocery stores and my school and a crossroads in my town… I’m going to try map it out.

Thank you!


A place of choice,

A place of learning,

And another place of choice and decision…

Interesting! Definitely map it out :smiley:


definitely, I’m going to do it before I sleep


@Celestia are they lucid dreams?


yes, they are


I’m not sure about this and it’s been a while since I’ve read about it, but I think that if you are lucid dreaming, you are operating from the astral.



honestly I’d write a longer reply but the gears in my head are a little stuck rn


I believe all dreams ultimately have a spiritual source and are spiritual in nature. Sometimes they are corporeally influenced, however, and these are “vain dreams”.

Dreams often refect your state. Either the state of your mind or your body. The recurring place could signify a focus on a particular place or state of being. Perhaps feelings of being stuck to a specific space or being particularly focused on a specific place. Or that you are too much in one place in waking life, and you need to get out (or, the reverse?). The feelings you feel in the dream are important.


the most recent school dreams have been in a fight like setting, although I feel it’s connected to me practicing astral sparring with the archangels.

the grocery store related have my mom in them. we’re looking for something, or I’m looking for her.

I am starting to see the connections…


Thats interesting Onyo, I’ve had the same dream location since my last 2 spheres of qliphoth. Literally every single night. Similiar scenerios with me working in this location but different aspects. Not sure at this point if theres a significant reason that I need to understand why I’m dreaming this…or if its just because in the 3D I am at this place working, more than I am at home and so its stuck in my head :thinking:


maybe it’s the latter? :thinking:


Definitely go with your gut feeling when examining dreams. Interesting that your school reminds you of astral sparring though. Personally I dream about being back at school semi-regularly, so I think it is my mind trying to compensate for any perceived loss on my part.

What are you doing at school when the dreams happen? :thinking: Might give some more insight


Earlier I used to have dreams of me being in school and studying, or failing to study or doing bad in class. Basic shadow work stuff. But more recently, I’ve been fighting. I find myself supporting a side, and sparring with the “enemy”. There was one dream in which the party I was supporting wanted to be a ruler, and I had no interest in any of it. I was only their to fight, as reinforcement maybe. Because I don’t feel any form of association with either side.

If you’ve seen princess mononoke, I was like that prince in the movie. I wasn’t supporting a particular side, I just did what felt right.


Well, I speak only for my experience.
I tend to dream about the same places when I’m bounded, spiritually, energetically, by rituals, by thoughts of other people, whatever you call it.

Sometimes is about trauma, things that hasn’t been properly processed and that’s just my
mind trying to communicate with me. A way of knowing that a part of me is still stagnant.


Mononoke-Hime is one of my top 10 favourite films of all time, and I quite recently re-watched it for the 20-something-eth time. So that strikes a chord.

Remember how Ashitaka left his village (arguably his kingdom) to find peace and accord? …Remember how the bowshot from his “cursed” arm was so powerful it could cleave appendages from humans? And yet Ashitaka found his own way in the end; mercy was his strength and ultimately his salvation.


Never thought of that, that’s brilliant! :love_you_gesture: