Releasing Good Luck to Receive Good Luck

Creating and Releasing Good Luck Charms to Open the Channels of Luck

Frater U∴D∴ provides an interesting framework for inviting (monetary) luck in his book Money Magic: Mastering Prosperity in Its True Element:

“We determined that money is something volatile and needs to stay in motion, and can only unfold it’s full value or potential when it is spent- or “put into circulation”. Wanting to keep it and declaring it to be a static object of possession would not only be absurd, but also counterproductive…”

“The same applies to out good luck charm. By cheerfully putting it into circulation, we are symbolically opening the channels for luck that nonetheless is to be understood in a predominantly material, physical sense. More specifically, we are symbolically opening the our arms to receive luck, expanding beyond the realm of our everyday lives, and in a sense sending our scouts out into the world, or weaving the web of our own destiny”.

Creating a Good Luck Charm

  1. Choose a good luck symbol
  2. Procure a 3D object of said symbol
  3. Get (extra) comfortable
  4. Hold the object in your hands
  5. Don’t imbue the object; absorb and explore it. How does it feel? Do this for ten minutes to twenty minutes
  6. Take a short break
  7. How does it smell? You can perfume the object
  8. Take a short break
  9. What does it sound like? Put on music that you enjoy
  10. Take a short break
  11. Eat something pleasant while holding object. Close your eyes and really get into the sensory experience
  12. Take a short break
  13. What does it look like? Drink it in. Make sure the lighting is good
  14. Take a short break.
  15. Talk to it, however you would like. Keep it friendly and positive; speak loud and clear
  16. Take a short break
  17. Put it in a “home”

When you’re ready, release your good luck charm into the world. Don’t overplan this; keep it joyful. The author suggests making four charms, one charm a day, and then releasing them, as a nod to Jupiter. Doing this twice would be a nod to Mercury.

I am not a Kabbalist or a Hermeticist. I would just make one, put it in a money bowl for a while, give it away, and make another when it felt right.


Damn I just wrote about this in my journal.

I think this may be a synchronicity for me, since right now I’m so tempted to hinder someone else’s luck and fuck with them in petty ways. I should be blessing them instead.



I kind of encourage this anyways because I’m hoping you would use @NavyBeans impotence / rotten apple spell and I would like to see your results :sweat_smile:

But the moon is waxing now; unleash the blessings :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh man I definitely would consider it if I didn’t love her as a person. I already took some irl petty revenge, which I’m not proud of, but god damn no one has pissed me off that badly in… years. years. intentional or not, she still fucked me over big time. and she’s already in a bad life situation… i don’t want to make it worse, i want to help her. but i’m like popping blood vessels in my eyes trying to stop myself from lashing out, even though it’s been hours, and even though i consider myself laid-back and forgiving and quite incapable of holding grudges.

…ok, putting the crazy Veil at the back of the line now. it takes a LOT to rattle or truly anger me so i’m actually surprised that i’m still feeling on the edge of rage, like 7 hours later.

alright. rambling ends now.

once i’m not feeling angry any longer, i will come back to this post. i agree it’s more important to spread blessings than to spread hate.


Does releasing it mean putting it in use (like you do with your money bowl) or can it also be like giving it to someone?
At the end does it have to be with me or can it be anywhere?


The idea is to make the charm and then let it go, opening up a pathway for luck. So, it should not end up with you (unless it ends up back with you outside of your design / intention). You should give it to someone, after keeping it in its “home” (in your space) for a short while.


Aw man. I have a good luck charm for @norse900 that I made probably almost a year ago, if not more (a clover wreath) but I doubt it’d survive international shipping, even though it still holds together and has a place of honour on my altar. I can keep it with me, right? Imagine sending someone their good luck charm you made for them only for it to be ruined in transit :sob:


Aww, yea that would be sad :sob:


I see! I’m gonna try this out!


ruined as in broken? use lotss of packing peanuts and make the box very solid and strong imo. I haven’t packed things for international shipping but I used to pack a lot of gifts for…local use :sweat_smile:


Good luck :four_leaf_clover::wink:


I’m thinking about it but also I’m like… how can I recharge it if it’s out of my sight :sob: and what if it breaks :sob: gotta feed norseman that good energy y’know


maybe keep a link to it with you so that you can charge it over the distance. like a small leaf or something?


That is a good idea


I think it would crack apart if i even touched it at this point :joy: maybe I need to do something else, like link a feather to norse. Since he sent me a billionty feathers, including some of my most prized ones, it shouldn’t be difficult. I’ve done the same before with others… like I’ve banefully linked a randomly-found feather to a person and then given it to the cats to chew on and bat around. Bit different in this case, but similar principle.

Sorry, I’m going well off-topic :heart:


It’s lasted this long in goood hands.1