Random thoughts etc (and other stuff)

The incorrect response to the word placebo
Place zee bow where?

Botswana have fun? Let ‘em. Just keep the bots away from me I’ve had enough ads for today, tomorrow and forever.

Borrowed time is never returned and lost time is never found

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Added note:
If I post a quote and don’t attribute it but you know who said it first, feel free to tell me who said it first because it means I didn’t know who said it and if you don’t correct me on it, I’ll probably think I was the smartie pants who thought it up first :stuck_out_tongue: :man_shrugging:


Art is fun but making it on a meme generator webpage is hard


Does deja vu get deja vu?

An after thought random probably silly question because I suddenly had a deja vu feeling something has already happened

:confused: oh well :man_shrugging: not all random thoughts can be gems of wisdom some can be downright silly.

Anyjow, deja vu makes me wonder, what is deja vu what causes it, and has everything happened before already?


For me I usually recognize I’ve dreamed about the scenario- usually days, weeks months or years before it happened.

I usually recognize the feeling comes from recalling the dream and finding myself in a physical scenario that I probably thought would occur when I dreamed if it was recent, probably dismissed it was older because the right circumstances didn’t exist etc…

It’s like being in a dream and suddenly realizing I am actually wide awake, In feeling. It puts me in hyper alert- usually there is a reason I dreamed it and I need to be careful of my actions, or they’ll manifest what I dreamed instead of a better scenario.

It’s almost like an alarm system at times for me.

I could be wrong, but I think I’ve come across data that lucid dreamers and those who remember their dreams are more likely to experience the phenomenon than those that don’t.

It was years ago though, I was in high school when I was curious on the topic, so I don’t recall where it came from- could be a teeny bop magazine or a Jung book… lol.

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Where do questions go when there’s no one to question and nowhere to put the question? Do they evaporate? Do they disappear? Or do they linger and slowly sink into the woodwork and become a part of all that’s never been or all that ever was or is?

If what comes around goes around, does what goes around come around too?

Do tidal pools have tides?


No. They do not exist without the Tides and, depending on location and sun, disappear between them. - Location - Oahu, Hawaii 90%


This will be a Slight diversion from the usual random thoughts and a kinda long ass entry.

I’ve Just been thinking of lurkers, Hollywood horror movies and sheister preachers and how the movies and greedy preachers been trying for ages to scare people away from the occult (thanks to a thread titled get lurker (yes you).

I thought it was time to clear the air in the Dear lurker (yes you thread) and figure it bears repeating in different words fir any lurkers reading this entry.

So if your new to the occult read on otherwise wait fir my next entry and skip this and jump to that.

Demons, angels and deities are not out there seeking to jump you for being curious or trying to learn new shit or for doubting what the sheisters and Hollywood tell you about magick, the occult, and everything not wrapped up in the pretty bow of Christianity.

They aren’t looking to eat you for breakfast (or lunch or dinner) they don’t want to destroy you or any of that bs.

Point of face is that even if you do magick you aren’t gonna get a demon to pop up in front of you and offer you the world as a newbie (nor will a Djinn aka Genie inHollywood lingo).

If something pops up to you it ain’t as a newbie it ain’t gonna be a demon genie god or angel it’ll likely be a ghost of a dead human or some other low entity that’s commonly referred to as a parasite and lucky for you there’s a lot of info on getting rid of parasites.

So if something pops up to you newbie red and learn on banishing so that you can make those fake demon parasite thingys go away and leave you alone (if you don’t banish and they come you might get bumps in the night)

Now to the nitty gritty of it.

Demons aren’t gonna be interested in you enough to even bother with you as a newbie til you’ve worked your ass off developing occult magical skills. So you aren’t gonna be jumped possessed or destroyed just for looking into new stuff like the occult that’s bullshit you were sold. Heck until you’ve worked at it you probably won’t even be able to see Casper the friendly ghost. Skills and abilities take work in the occult just like in everything else.

So Why did they sell bullshit? Why tell you demons want to destroy you eat you rape you or whatever bs they sold you? Money plain and simple. Fir the money it gets em.

Hollywood wants you paying to see more and more movies and if they scare you about the occult you’ll go see more of them movies because Hollywood says horror movies are a safe way to see demons. They’re making money Off ya and If they told the truth you would have a very boring uninteresting movie and wouldn’t buy tickets to the sequel.

What about the preachers/churches? Surely they are telling true right? Nope. Sheister priests? They want you in their church giving 10% of your money to them so of course they’re gonna try scare you then say but oh if you join us you’ll be safe the baddies won’t get you all you gotta do is give us 10% of your income and we will grantee you a spot in heaven and that demons won’t get you.

Friend everything you were told is probably 100% bs unless you were raised by an occultist/magickian.

Now zeitgeist that out of the way….

Welcome to the occult mirror. Sit back stay awhile and feel free to register an account. Demons don’t bite and neither do we. Well ok I bite Big Macs but that’s a different story.

Anyhow… if your lurking and reading welcome to T.O.M sit stay a while and if ya like what you see in the various threads on this forum please register and join us.


Back to randomness….

Why is it called black coffee when it’s dark brown not black colored?

When changing the clocks in spring and fall… Why did they Spring forward and Fall back instead of the reverse?

Why don’t we get taller during high tide and full moons if we’re 70% water like the oceans (they get taller well we call it high tide not taller but why don’t people)?


Some types of coffee beans produce a brew that is pretty much real black imop. I think this is why.

I believe the dark brown brews are almost all newer. I guess I can’t swear to it though, data would have to be researched for that… this is just what I think I know, from life…

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Actually I’m pretty sure their is science backing it up that it seems we do…

I read it in a book though not online, and idr which dammit… just one of those random listen to me because science backs up my shit…things.

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I’ve never had the pleasure of those I guess :man_shrugging:

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It’s only expressos and not all of them, from what I see in google.

That websites get real deep into the colors at each stage of espresso, but the gist is it starts out black if it’s the right kinds. If I understand correctly.

You would have originally asked for a black coffee if you wanted an expresso, I think is what some of them are essentially saying.

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If you watch your pennie’s, your dollars will take care of themselves. Really? Doubt it.


Hi @kish
Sorry to invade your journal , I will be brief so as not to disturb the flow of your texts.

If you still have the Lucifuge ring and are not wearing it all the time for some reason, I would like to suggest that you perform a consecration ritual and charge it again with intentions of wealth and peace.

I have a very faint image of a ring bothering me for a few days and I don’t know why, I thought of you. :slightly_smiling_face:


@Infernus.Rofocalus I don’t have a Lucifuge ring :thinking: I have a Lucifer ring though. Is it possible you mistook me for someone else? Or did you mean the Lucifer ring but said Lucifuge?


It is a male silver ring with the sigil of Lucifuge (Dukante) engraved, and which insists on appearing shrouded in a bluish flame.

I don’t know why I thought maybe you were the ring recipient

In my next evocation I will ask the Demon about the meaning of this.

Sorry for the inconvenience Kish.


Strange days are strange indeed


Only by comparison…


Ok so this one isn’t a random thought

This is me marking a strange happening down so I don’t forget (not that I’m likely to) so I can look further into it at some point (obviously no duh on me if I forgot about it I couldn’t look into it so I’m recording it here.

Note: this is gonna be a bit long-ish so without further ado I present the weird thing that happened to me earlier today

I sort of slipped back a bit towards RHP and what I grew up being taught to do cuz I’ve been frustrated about some health issues (leg pains) so I kind of semi reverted to what I grew up doing

I was sorta talk praying (not a formal prayer thing like the our father) praying for help with my health issues specifically my legs issues and I’d basically just finished saying my piece my prayer thing when all of a sudden no warning or nothing out of the blue…

A female (woman’s) voice clearly say “You (or you’ll) need more then that” clear as day right as if she was saying it in my ear or beside it

I don’t have a clue what that was or why those words.

Even if it meant you’ll need more then healing it still doesn’t make sense cuz what more would a physical problem need beyond being healed of it.

So basically I’m confused about that what happened. Not scared. Just more like what what was that why you say that.

You reading this may be like why the heamck aren’t you scared shitless.

Well I’ve sort of been talking to Hindu deities like Ganesha and if I mention something like when I said I wasn’t getting enough hours then the very next morning I get extra hours.

So I’m not scared cuz it could have been one of the Hindu goddesses I’m drawn to.

Background to that even though Ganesha’s never spoke to me he has communicated is that sort of by flashed visual images of himself on occasions I guess letting me know he sees or heard or knows depending on when it’s happened. So I know the deities hear and sometimes communicate with people in various ways because if that.

So I’m not scared because it could have been one of the Goddesses commenting though I’m confused what the voice meant by those words.

Honestly though, if it wasn’t a goddess I’ll probably become scared (if I find out it wasn’t) but since it did no harm or anything until I know it wasn’t if it wasn’t I’ll resume it was and act like it til then if then comes.

So… any ideas or thoughts on ANY of that anyone???

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