Random idea

Several decades ago, I was reading a book about Life after Death to try to understand my own experiences, which did NOT fit what I was taught as a Mormon.

The consensus (back then) was that with people in NDEs, they start going where they seem to think they believe they should. Thus is seems like a mirrors where that reality is reflected back upon them.

But not always. You find some that have odd crossovers to other religions or, like myself, didn’t find anything that correlated to what was said expected. I attribute these to spiritual influences - as in literal spirits - intervening or altering for some reason.

I haven’t researched it since getting back into the Occult, because I already knew I wasn’t going to find what I was looking for. At this point, it isn’t worth looking into for me :joy:


Thinking about it, it’s possible that some NDE’s may be more corporeally influenced than spiritual, from extreme stress in the body. Like the strange visions and thinking from very bad fever, as an example. So, some may be more illusory, while others more real.

With that, it’s interesting that with a lot of NDE’s it’s found that people seem to go where they think they’re going. This cosmos is complete, so it contains every form of existence. No doubt these people could enter into a state of being like that which they expect, even if the actual appearance of the place is not like what is percieved in vision.


It reminds me a lot of The Village

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