QiGong & Daoist Magick

The Dao: Divine

The Dao, or “Way,” can be translated both as a spiritual approach to the Divine, or as the infinitely subtle realm and presence of the Divine underlying all things. According to ancient Chinese esoteric teachings, the energetic vibration and light pertaining to the Dao (Divine) is imprinted in every particle, and that whatever exists (i.e. all of creation) is simply an expression and manifestation of the Divine.

Before we are conceived, we are formless and one with the Dao. After conception, we begin to lose awareness of our connection with the Dao. The “Way” is to regain this awareness and reintegrate our consciousness with the Dao, which can be translated as “the way that one comes to see and understand oneself in relationship with the universe or cosmos (Heaven), environment (Earth) and the Divine.”

Three Energetic Subdivisions of the Dao

As with Yin and Yang, each of energetic subdivisions of the Dao fits into the other, creating a multidimensional unity between them.

  • The Dao of Heaven: energetic influences of the sun, moon and stars
  • The Dao of Earth: energetic movement within the wind, water and soil
  • The Dao of Man: energetic movement within the body’s Essence, Energy and Spirit


The Chong, The Void (Wuji) & Primordial Dao

The Dao as Chong can be thought of as a “perfectly blended center of all things”, making “Chong Qi” the infinite void energy between Yang / Heaven and Yin / Earth. The energies of Heaven, Earth, and Void (Wuji) compose the Primordial Dao, which existed before life integrated into matter.


The Dao within the Body

As a microcosm, the human body takes the place of the Wuji, mediating between the energies of Heaven and Earth…the energy of the Eternal Dao exists within the “infinite space” or Wuji, located within the body’s tissues, cells, and molecules.


Ref: Chinese Medical QiGong Therapy Vol. I (Jerry Alan Johnson)