Nichols Bethel Methodist Cemetery

The pictures were taken in 2 batches, several hours apart, with the first batch done before this post.

There was couple there (spirits) that reminded me of American Gothic in the way they looked at me and felt. It was an odd encounter, in that it wasn’t hostile, but wasn’t friendly. They watched me from soon after I arrived in the cemetery. Similar to how I’ve written elsewhere that a necromancer/spiritual person can attract spirits that normally don’t reside there on the daily. They weren’t there when I arrived, but were before I had gotten 1/3 of the way in.

I didn’t have anything specific to offer them and all I had in the car was an energy drink that I would’ve rather had myself. Still, I spilled it out over an area for them. I was only feeling more “trace” spirits at that point and no one paying attention to me.

I was taking pictures and noticing all of the young deaths there on my first visit and my phone started messing up. I had gotten some attention at this point, but nothing serious. I knew no one there needed help moving on. I’ve seen spirits weeping at graves before, so I keep an open mind when going. This place was relatively peaceful. Not completely, but nothing that was like - you MUST deal with this magically.

The phone screwed up, so I went to the parking lot and everything was fine. Screen had been cutting in an out, device was responding strangely, losing power quickly… It stopped when I left the graveyard and walked to my car. The Gothic Couple watched me go and I was honest about coming back. They were okay with it, but still…cautious, suspicious. They asked me to bring (awareness - no words, just feeling). Seemed odd to say that while almost shooing me off, but all right. I made my Cemetery post after this.

Several hours later, I don’t have time to go back to work. I went back to the graveyard and was welcomed. I took the rest of the photos and didn’t have any major encounters. I did re-encounter the Gothic Couple, but they were more accepting. Not interacting or anything. I knew they “watched over” the graveyard at this point and had seen enough spirits looking towards them to figure that out.

My time was up and I was pleased to see that there weren’t any serious issues seen or brought to my attention. I’d let the Gothic Couple know I would help within the faith of the spirit if needed, but it wasn’t needed. I did feel that some were…“hibernating”…for a lack of better wording, but it’s not for me to force anything like that when there is a health or safety need (living people, mainly). The Gothic Couple knew I knew this and sensed it.

This was the point where they changed a bit. Still stern, still “firm”, but I was 10 feet (3m) from the exit when I was told to turn around and find “my” stone for the cemetery. If one were only looking at the “active” spirits, there wouldn’t be need for one. I doubled back until I was led to a space.

From this point on, I was welcomed. They are aware of my different beliefs. I, in turn, welcomed them to my spaces, gave them free reign within the rules. The Gothic Couple came when I made my daily offering to the Dead and those that “Keep Them”. Another spirit from there has come since uploading the spirits.

The largest heart jerk was the upkeep of some of the flat graves, which is evident in the last batch of pictures. I brushed off some debris and similar from some of the Veteran’s flat graves (most flat ones were). I’m considering asking the owning church if I can use simple hand tools to help remove the overgrowth from their markers. The wind was high enough that some of them had debris on them as soon as I cleaned it off with my hands.

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