New Members Please Introduce yourselves here!


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Welcome, @celest! Enjoy the forum

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Hi @celest :wave:t5: welcome to the forum. I look forward to reading on your experiences if you feel comfortable sharing.

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Hey, Peter here. I’m in my thirties. I live in Hungary. I’m interested in gathering gnosis. I mostly work with Hekate, St. Cyprian and nature spirits these days.


Welcome to the forum, @Petr

Enjoy our corner of the internet


Happy to be here! :slight_smile:


Im having an energy problem i used to be able to sense energy and pull it from people but after being diagnosed with seizures I havent been able to feel energy or pull anymore im wondering what if anything i can do?

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We require that users do an introduction before engaging with the community. If you wouldn’t mind we would much appreciate it.

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Hello I’m from Washington DC and I’m 40 ish and practice ceremonial magick hoodo. I mainly work with goetic demons.


Welcome to the forum @Blackwizard90

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Hello. My name is Kenny. I’m a dark entity living somewhere likely outside Space Time.

Directions don’t exist…dimensions are true if correct. I was an old experimental ‘Chaote,’ back in year 2002ish.

Feel free to explore some, admittedly FEW, of my online free works…at…

WARNING!! I have much Much Artistic pieces.

(Put http://)


(Then (dot and finally com.)

-remove commas

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Welcome, Kenny!

Feel free to tell us more about your practice in magick, we’re a very curious crew

Hello friends! I’m 31 years old, I’m from Brazil, and I have little knowledge of magic.I’m looking to increase my knowledge about demons, doing rituals mentally and/or with few materials.


Welcome to our corner of the internet, enjoy!


Hi im missred im in the uk . Im interested in all types of magic im 40 years old . Im interested in what works more than a type of magic .
Goal for 2024 is my unwanted house guest to leave sooner rather then later. So if theres any threads that are up my street that will great .

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Welcome to the forum! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi, everyone.
I’m Alisa (or Allie). I’m 18, I’m Russian.
I haven’t been doing this very long.
And, I would like what most people do…the one I love back, and more money.
I have the books New Avatar power (a physical copy), the mystic grimoire of mighty spells and rituals, lucifer and the hidden demons, demons of magick :slight_smile:
So I’ll be working mostly with those.
I can’t see or hear demons at all!
My biggest success? I’d say my cat Doreen (people were putting her for sale on the internet :frowning: and there were a couple of candidates and they chose me.) she’s the sweetest thing.


Welcome to the forum @Alisa !

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Hello, name is abyss. I registered on this forum quite some time ago but decided to register again as I have a question that I need to ask, there’s one or a few practitioners here that I would generally go to for advise on another forum.

I love conjuring demons, would like to speak to angels too, I like candle magic and should probably get myself into ceremonial magic as well.

I’m currently in my 30’s living in the United Kingdom. I’ll probably keep this account now… haha