Mythopoeia's Ancestor Work: Father's Mothers

12 Feb 2023
Waning Gibbous Moon in Scorpio, Hour of the Moon

I preformed a ritual with Hekate and the Fates to find and establish a connection with an ancestral guide with this bloodline, using a necklace that belonged to my great-grandmother.

I made shallow contact with a gray, wispy woman. I introduced myself and relied on divination for most of our communication. She came from the West, and wanted me to throw bones there too.

About her

Double snakes. A wisdom bearer, and a leader.

Place in bloodline

Six of Vessels and Stars (which correspond with 6 of Hearts). A bridge, with a desire to re-establish a connection between the elevated dead and the lost dead.

Her life

Six of Stones, Anchor. A life of hardship, labor, and fixed poverty. Our ancestors went through much for us to be where we are now, and should be honored for it.

Connection to me

Ten of Stones, Chickens. Communication in the family- but there is an element of nervousness or excitability.

Status now

Balance, House. Lovely; she is well off enough internally to be in a position to essentially “manage” ancestral affairs.

Her relationship with her Ancestors

She is a deeply connected spiritual leader who speaks for them with authority.

I told her that I wished for her help with elevating my great-grandmother, and asked how we can work together to help heal and empower our shared bloodline.

I asked if there was an Animal Oversoul she recommended reaching out to.

Finally I thanked her for coming, asked if she had any blessings that I could use for the benefit of our bloodline, and asked her to reach out to me through signs and synchronicities. I got the impression she wasn’t sure about me yet. I think she blew smoke on me, and maybe have me Owl eyes. Not sure; I have a wild imagination.

I thanked her again and closed the ritual.