My Halloween Tarot Spreads

Love it :heart_eyes:

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Damn, I need to do this one ASAP lol.


I’m a taro-idiot. But I appreciate what you’ve done and not just here.

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Norse, how do you always have the exact perfect thing to say?

Thanks for the kind words, really. If you ever want a reading, I’d be most honored to offer one.

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Potions Brewing

A short, to the point spread about something someone else is being deceitful about. Will give a theme/topic, their perspective, and something you can/should do about it.

Suspect someone lying to you? Know someone is lying to you? Potions Brewing is a tarot spread about a lie you are being told. Either think of the lie before the reading if you’re sure about one, or let the reading show you somewhere you’ve been lied to. From bottle, to cork caps, and bubbles, this spread takes into account several facets of a lie and lets you consider how these might impact how you want to move forward.

Here are cards 1-5 in order. “You” is used to signify the reading’s subject irregardless of whether the reader, querent, and/or subject are the same of different persons.

Potion Bottle

The overview. This is the broadest view of the lie that you’re being told. It’s the situation of the lie. Not necessarily the context (although you can pull an additional card for that if you would like). This is specifically the you’re being fed and what it’s about in this situation between you and the other party who is deceiving you.

Cork Caps

The top on the bottle. What is holding the lie in? What’s keeping it from pouring out and being known. What’s keeping things quiet, and potentially what is making the liar hold back and the issues with telling the lie.

This might be a person aiding the lying party, might be something you haven’t considered, might be material affects (possessions), or anything else. This “cap” though, is the barrier between the lie and the truth being exposed to you.

Bottle Neck

This is the top, surface level of the lie. What is easily observed and not too well hidden. This card offers insight into the top level of the lie and what is likely to unravel first. This is the tip of the iceberg.

Bubbling Up

Problems forthcoming from the liar’s perspective.

The struggle the lie is facing before escaping the potion bottle. This/these is/are problems with the lie and the way(s) it is facing being pushed up and out of the bottle.

Potion’s Bottom

The deepest reach of the lie. The very bottom of it. The darkest point of the lie, situation, and perhaps the other party’s thoughts and feeling on the situation. This is mostly likely something that is responsible for the lie, the motivation, and/or the “why” behind it.


Bats in Flight


Meant for people who already have & know a familiar or have a similar type of friendly relationship with a spirit. A few cards on this relationship. If you bought a familiar off a website and aren’t sure of its name, type of being, how to communicate, and/or it’s general role in your life then this is NOT the tarot spread for you.

Here is a spread for those magicians that have a familiar and are interested in gaining some (more) information, clarity, or communication. To use this spread effectively, you will have to call your familiar forward and you MUST have a reliable method of communication with it outside of this reading. Bats in Flight is meant to give you and your familiar space to converse about important topics. These include your overall relationship, things going well, something that could use improvement, and how you view one another.

Here are cards 1-6 in order. “You” is used to signify the reading’s subject irregardless of whether the reader, querent, and/or subject are the same of different persons. I’ll be refering to the “familiar” as “spirit.”

Card 1: Sleeping Upside Down

Bats sleep hanging upside down, it’s something they do that is natural and consistent.

This card represents what is going well in your relationship, something that is going “right.” Something to keep doing, something feeding positivity into the relationship, something that works for both you and the spirit.

Card 2: Waking in the Day

Bats are nocturnal creatures, waking in the daytime is not normal and healthy for them.

This card represents something that would benefit from some attention, consideration, and likely change. This shows something that is not going well, but should to be addressed to keep a prosperous, good, and healthy relationship. The severity of this will vary from situation to situation.

Card 3: The Beginning

A small, young bat learning its way.

This card represents the beginnings of your relationship with this familiar. It may include why the relationship sprouted, what happened in the “early days,” and the like. This is more than a simple asking and answering of what began the relationship, but may include that detail. It is the foundation of your relationship and all that has happened thus far within it.

Card 4: Wings Spread

A bat taking flight, looking around at what’s to see.

This card represents the spirit’s view of you. It is what they see in you, see you as, see you as being. It is how they view you as a whole, your magick, your mundane, and everything in between. This card is simply what the spirit sees when they “think” of or look at you.

Card 5: In Flight

A bat flying high that knows itself and is looking around at what’s to see.

This card represents your view of the spirit. Although you may think you already have the answer to this question, let tarot answer it. See if the card matches with your conscious conceptions or if there are some changes. You might be completely understanding, or you might be surprised. Do not judge this card. Simply see it and consider the information calmly.

This will be one of two things. (1) It will be what you see in the spirit, what you see them as being to you, what you see their power as, and encapsulate your broad view of them. OR (2) this card may focus on one thing that is deeper and specific in nature. It is up to you to make that distinction when the card comes out. It’s possible that the card shows you a bigger picture and also points to something more focused. Read into this card as a mirror, read it clearly and without judgement and it will show you a great deal.

Card 6: Landing in the Trees

A bat ready to go home, to find a feast, or to peacefully rest for a moment after hunting.

This card represents the bottom line of your relationship with this spirit. This is what keeps the relationship going, what is healthy, and secure. This card is the basics of this relationship, shows why/how it works. This is not your view or the spirits, but rather a card that only pertains to the relationship aspect of this as a whole, as if the relationship is a person itself. What binds this relationship together will be found in this card.


Bookmarked; gonna try this one with a succubus who is dear to me. Cheers!


Bubbling Cauldron

5 cards to see into what the future holds. 1 general card, and 4 more niche topics are presented. Please consider personal bias before deciding to read as that may impact accuracy of your reading. Please also take a moment to consider your personal views on future readings and make a conscious decision to engage with this tarot spread or not.

Bubbling Cauldron presents your future to you in a fun, Halloween themed tarot spread. What’s bubbling up in your future? What should you be prepared for? A main event, or general forecast card comes first followed by 4 other topics on magic, lifestyle, caution, and relationships. Each cauldron shows a different color and some individual symbolism, these correlate with what question is asked of each.

Here are cards 1-5 in order. “You” is used to signify the reading’s subject irregardless of whether the reader, querent, and/or subject are the same of different persons.

Bubbling Up: General Forecast

What is coming up? What are some major themes and/or events that will be taking place? A general forecast, something that looms over everything else and is bubbling up now, almost ready.

This cauldron shows what is to come, generally. It’s a big picture approach to your future.

Chains of Magick: What Your Magick Leads To

What is your future with magick (or a predefined specific “hobby” for reading subjects that don’t use magick actively)? What are some major magick themes that will appear? What is a preview into the work that you’ll find yourself doing?

This cauldron shows what is to come with regard to your magick or craft.

Coated Handles: Holding Your Own

What is your future with regard to job/career/hobby/lifestyle? What is your future with regard to wealth? What are you reaching for and grabbing onto and how will it work out? (In the simplest sense, how do your career & finances approach?)

This cauldron shows what is to come with regard to your choices about how you spend your time, and the relation to wealth (likely money, but could also include something else) it has.

Skulls In The Distance: Looming Dread

What does your future hold that could cause conflict, be cause for caution, or inflict fear? What might be scary in the future? What should you be aware of in the coming time? What should you be looking out for? What should you pay mind to when it happens?

This cauldron shows what is to come with regard to conflict and danger.

Blood Is Thicker Than Water: Your Relationship(s)

Decide before pulling whether this is for one specific relationship, major relationships in your life, or an upcoming relationship that does not yet exist.

What is upcoming with your major relationship(s)? What are some themes you should pay attention to and/or that will present themselves in important ways? What will happen with your major relationship(s)? How will this affect you and/or the relationship(s) as a whole?

This cauldron shows a red liquid bubbling up; hence, blood is thicker than water. You are allowed to decide which version of this phrase you’d like to use and choose what type of relationship you are most interested in learning about. This cauldron shows your upcoming interactions with your major relationship(s).


This sounds like a death metal album



That one took me the longest to name and eventually I just stopped thinking about it. Happy to amuse.

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Witch & Broom

A Halloween witch’s tarot spread about your magick. You must be at least somewhat involved in actual magick for the reading to be accurate and work as intended. You must also be planning to continue pursuing your magick path at this moment in time.

Witch & Broom is a tarot spread aimed at your magick. It considers a few key elements of your path walking with your power and magick, then moves onto the ways magick is currently interacting with you and your lifestyle. Finally, a couple predictions help show where you might want to watch out and show where your path is likely leading. The typical Halloween witch, green skin, hair in the wind, riding a broomstick accompanies this reading as a symbol of the ways magick provides new opportunities, freedom, and empowerment. However, she also flies high in the night sky, demonstrating that there is always some risk involved in this path, especially when we are not looking forward.

Here are cards 1-8 in order. “You” is used to signify the reading’s subject irregardless of whether the reader, querent, and/or subject are the same of different persons.

Where You Began

This card represents the person you were and the abilities with regard to magick you had when you first set out on this path. This could be a year ago, 10 years ago, or a nearly lifetime ago. This card represents where you began when you first walked the path of magick with intention.

Dark Night of the Soul

This card represents an early dark night of the soul you encountered. Unless you have just very, very recently begun embarking on a path of magick, this card will pertain to a dark night of the soul that occurred earlier in your practice. (If you’ve just begun it will be about before you were actively engaged in magick.) Set an intention for which if there have been multiple and you’d like insight on a certain one (like the first, latest, or another time). This will show you why it had to happen, and perhaps will highlight something you (should have) learned from it. This card is relevant to your current practice.

What Keeps You Going

This card represents what keeps you progressing on your path, what keeps you motivated, and what within you is currently responsible for you dedication (to whatever extent that word applies) to your path, craft, and magick. Whether it be material items, soul searching, deals with deities/demons, or anything else, this card puts in your hand the reason you keep walking this path.

What Freedoms Magick Affords You

This card represents the things that magick gives you. Regardless of whether they have been given or are being given, this card aims to show you what, undeniably, (your) magick has brought to your life. From wealth and freedom from poverty, to friendships, relationships (of any nature), to trinkets, careers, vacations, and everything else; this card is about what you have been given, or have “earned.” This/these is/are what you have learned to simply accept as part of your life that you would not have without this path. It puts into perspective the changes and alterations magick has brought to your course in this life.

This card and the next are two sides of the same coin. What you run towards and what you run from.

What Magick Helps You Escape

This card represents the things that magick has kept you from. Be it jail, homelessness, poverty, abusive relationships, or ego, conflict, unhealthiness; this shows you what magick has helped and/or does help you escape from. This is the things that magick gets you out of, time and time again or once and for all. It is the things that could be very different without your craft.

This card and the previous are two sides of the same coin. What you run towards and what you run from.

What Magick You Run Away From

This card represents the magick that you run from, that scares you, that haunts you. This could be in reference to real experiences you have had, or something hypothetical.

The purpose of this card is not to reprimand you, nor is it to further intimidate you. The purpose of this card is to force you to look at something that makes you anxious and ask yourself why. This card is about realizing that even the most powerful magicians have something that stares them back and sets their nerves on edge. This card is meant to signify not that you need to seek out what it shows right away, but instead to make you understand there is something out there that destabilizes you a little bit and is worth another glance if you can bear it. This is what you avoid. It’s up to you to decide why and make a conscious, considerate choice about it.

Watch for Hazards

This card represents things you should be watchful and careful around and about in your practice. Whether present or upcoming, this card presents a likely trouble you’ll run into. Degree of intensity will vary from reading to reading. Just be mindful of this in your magick.

Where Your Magick is Going

This card represents where your magick is headed, where you are headed, and what is to come of this path you are walking on. Pay attention to the details you can collect, they will offer a lot of insight into the nuance of the “situation.” This card can tell of power, of path, of light and dark, of joy and fear, and so much more. Be careful in your reading of it that you keep your biases away from the reading. Distance in the future will vary from reading to reading.


…And that concludes my Halloween tarot spreads. At least I’m pretty sure it does. If you wanna suggest a Halloween “image” (in the most academic, inclusive form of the word) I’d be interested.

I’ll answer questions on these if any exist. I’ll also be opening readings (for certain spreads) again before Halloween, but not yet.


You could publish these as a book. They are very creative and cool :slight_smile:


Coffin Questions

Has been deleted. If you’re interested, in reading about (your) death, I can PM you with the condition that you not share your reading with me. I’m happy you guys like my tarot spreads, but I don’t want to know about your deaths. Thanks for understanding.


I dont wanna know cause in my mind Im Immortal :laughing: