History of Demonolatry?

Is it correct to say that demonolatry was initially brought to the modern occult mainstream by S.Connolly, who put forth a system of sigils, enns, correspondences, and devotional practices she pulled from familial grimoires owned by a man named Richard Dukante? Grimoires that cannot be accessed by anyone else?

(@norse900 , @anon75849095)

Thank you!


My UPG is that it’s more complex than so & so began it. First there have been forms of demon/dark god worship all over the world that could be classed as demonolatry (if you’re a monotheist). Then mix in various things like people inspired by LeVey but who take a demons are real take on it. I don’t think you can attribute it or for that matter anything in the occult to 1 or 2 people starting it all. You could even say the church started it if you wanted to since they literally claimed anyone worshipping any being outside of theirs was worshipping demons (which is the definition of demonolatry).

I’m interest in reading this to see what others think and say.

Bookmarking so I can find it again.


can you clarify this bit please?


LaVeyan satanism is non-theistic, so they don’t believe demons actually exist. So I think they’re saying that people can be inspired by LaVey and his non-theistic system, but take a theistic approach to it and believe that demons are real.


Thank you @Delilah_LeStrange


:point_up: this.

There’s even a couple theistic Satanic offshoots from LeVey I forget one’s name but the temple of Set is the other (an ex-church of Satan member founded it because his take was demons and are real and I guess basically that the demon called Satan is actually Set).

Add 1: offshoots isn’t the right word they aren’t affiliated and aren’t the same thing as LeVeyan Satanism so not a branch of or off shoot per se but it’s the closest word to what I was looking for to describe it.

Add 2: I’m not a member so I’m not fully versed on the belief system of the temple of Set but from what I have read he founded it after leaving LeVey’s group because he had a more theistic take on Satanism and believed Satan is Set more or less :person_shrugging:

@Delilah_LeStrange thank you. I’ll also say that they can be inspired to worship demons in a demonolatry manner by LeVey’s works is also part of what I meant but you did a great job of explaining what I meant while I was off site doing other stuff not here to see the question at the time.


I will say that organized, mass demonolatry is largely modern. You can say that familial demonolatry claims of being quite old could be true or not. We won’t really know without testing original grimoires. Even then, the super old stuff. Likely isn’t around.

Connoly made it available to more people, so her version of it is really what we’re talking about with the public definition. She says she knows of others, but I haven’t seen their stuff that isn’t tied to hers.


Thank you :slight_smile:

Then “traditional demonalotry” would predate Conolly, but there is no substantial record or known lineage of it?


If there is, it doesn’t seem to be publicly available. I can’t speak for gatekeeping covens and similar.


Basically yes in a nutshell, that is the way I understand it.






Cute write up. But nobody that’s really read any significant amount of the O(* stuff would consider them in that realm. I’ve suffered through a dozen or so of their longer things and no one that’s practiced demonolatry at a serious level would confuse that.


Yeah as you say, the A.I. confuses demonology with Solomonic Magick. As far as I’m aware, there is no evidence of something like demonolatry in the Medieval Ages or the Renaissance.
Johann Weyer says this before giving a text of the Psuedomonarchia Daemonium:

“My intent is not to present before all people blasphemies of the bewitched kind of men who are not ashamed to call themselves magi, their curiosities, deceptions, vanity, tricks, impostures, deliriums, deceiving the mind, and obvious lies, but rather that they may be unwilling, when they can be seen in the bright light of day, to let their minds run wild, in this most infamous age, where the kingdom of Christ is so attacked by the immense and unpunished tyranny of those who openly perform the sacraments of Belial, who will no doubt soon receive their just reward.” (Source, translation by Joseph H. Peterson)

From that, you might think that these magicians worshiped these demons. But, when you look at the Psuedomonarchia Daemonium and other texts, it’s “I’m actually invoking these evil demons in the holy name of God!”. So, definitely not worship like in demonolatry. And, this makes sense, as the world-view of these people was that the world is created and governed by an all-powerful and benevolent creator, and so worship of these “fallen spirits” would be a grave error. In the context of Christianity, worship of them was seen as just damning your soul. So, you’ll only really find demonolatry after the materialist shift of the 18th Century, and the LeVeyan rebranding of “Actually, these are the good guys!”. As Socrates says in Plato’s ‘Meno’, people do not willingly do evil.


Yeah @Dankquanicus I said this in another thread and I’m gonna say it again. Time for you to write a book.

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Haha, I appreciate it! I will believe it will happen in time.

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