Herb datasheet

This is based on the herb datasheet I shared on the other forum. There are a lot of columns but you can also hide them according to your needs.
I will update this from time to time, so it will always be a work in progress.
Click here to access the herb datasheet
Though I copied the instructions I originally wrote over there (instructions are only if you’ve never used Excel or Google sheets before. Google sheets is free), this datasheet is entirely new, generated by a database I wrote over the past few days. This should make it easier to update going forward. I mostly used The Herbal Magic Correspondences Guide by Brianna Blair, Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham and A Master Grimoire of Oils, Herbs, and Incenses by Pat Kirven Sawyer, plus some online resources to organize herbs by element, planet, and a variety of functions (there is a total of 70+ functions and 700+ herbs included in this datasheet).

It can be used as a general guide to plan herb-related magic, spells, sachets, gris-gris bags, incenses, oils etc… Probably still good to do some research, but this datasheet can be used to help narrow down a list of herbs as options to look into

Now here are the instructions for those not familiar with Google Sheets.
Please let me know if you spot any errors that need to be fixed.

. When you first open it, keep in mind this is a view-only document, so you will have to create a filter view from the “data” tab (instructions part 1, steps 1-3 below) to use it

Instructions part 1- create temporary filter view

  1. Click the “DATA” tab at the top to open drop down menu
  2. Hover over “Filter Views”
  3. Select “Create new temporary filter view”

Now, please proceed with the following instructions to sort herbs by the various categories.

Instructions part 2 - Using GoogleSheets (for those unfamiliar with it)

  1. Click ‘filter’ icon (looks like an upside down triangle made of 3 lines)
  2. To INCLUDE a certain attribute in the results (e.g. Herbs associated with Element Air), click the checkmark left of “(Blanks)” to DESELECT it, so that ONLY “X” has a checkmark.

To EXCLUDE a certain attribute (e.g. Herbs Not associated with Element Air) click the checkmark left of “X” to DESELECT, so that there is only 1 checkmark next to “(Blanks)”
a. in this example, herbs with or without the attribution of Element Air are being filtered
b. if X is checked, then herbs associated with the element “Air” will show up.
c. If blank is checked, then all herbs except for those associated with “Air” will show up.
3. Select Ok or hit enter to apply.


e.g. To Include “Air” herbs: To INCLUDE a certain attribute in the results (e.g. Herbs associated with Element Air), click the checkmark left of “(Blanks)” to DESELECT it, so that ONLY “X” has a checkmark. Hit Ok or Enter

e.g. To Exclude “Air” herbs (All Herbs that are NOT attributed to element “Air”) click the checkmark left of “X” to UNCHECK /DESELECT, so that there is ONLY 1 CHECKMARK next to “(BLANKS)” Hit OK or enter for a list of all herbs that are not associated with “Air”

You can use multiple filters (instructions above) i.e. as many elements, planets, and functions as you wish (some herbs may be under more than 1 element, more than 1 planet, and most have multiple functions)

The more filters you apply, the more specific your herb list will be and the shorter the final list will be…


Organized by element, planet, and astrological correspondences* forgot that last part :grimacing:


This is epic, thank you for sharing :slight_smile:


Thanks and happy to share🙂 feel free to suggest any edits wherever you see fit


Amazing! Thank you so much for your work!


Came at the perfect time, thank you!


I’ve updated the spreadsheet and link, and added a few more functions/columns:
Addiction healing
Astral projection
Emotional healing
Empath well-being/protection
Immortality (vs longevity which is supposed to have more to do with extending the “shelf life” of a person/thing/situation)
Self love
Wealth, money, riches


This is seriously impressive! Well done on the compilation of this!