TOM's free tarot readings (and more)

I’d like a reading please, in pm.


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@Duchess i am in
But can i ask on behalf of my friend!
Public is ok

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Please send me your question. :smile:

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My friend is a 16 years old student
Her question is: will she be successful in her school and studying?

I don’t really need a reading to say yes. I made my familiar and attached it to the healing current to feed from. You can attached them to any power source outside of you. Including the void.

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I was not getting an answer for this question because most likely it will depend on her efforts alone. How badly does she want to do well will proportionately effect how much work she puts in.

Tnx, that’s good news, nice :smiley:

Thanks @Duchess
She is bad in her lessons but i want to encourage her to d well and because of that first i wanted to have a divination

Thanks again @Duchess your second reading was totally accurate :+1:

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Hello everyone! Today I’m offering 3 free tarot readings to the honor and glory of Grand Duke Astaroth!

One reading per person, I’ll be using the rider waite deck.
Please tag me and ask me your question and say if you’d like it via pm or here in the public forum!


Hi @Vitriol i want one pls, public, i send my question in a minute

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@Vitriol, my man, I’ll take one.

Get me a near future (general) reading regarding personal finances. Private, please.

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One more spot open!

  1. @King1911
  2. @ReyCuervo
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I have something in mind, will it take a few hours or a few days? I mean to complete the process

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I’ll take the last spot if it’s still available @Vitriol

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Card one the three of swords.: this is telling me that you are having some setbacks on your project, but at the same time I see passion, as in your passionate about what you are working on.

Card two 4 swords: I see that you need to relax and get some rest before the next phase of your project. I’m getting that you probably shouldn’t be loosing sleep over if it is going to work or not, in other words lusting for results.

Card three 4 of pentacles: the card is not necessarily telling me the traditional meaning of said card. I’m getting a forward looking preparation of that makes sense. Kind of like working towards a longtime goal.

In summary I think this reading suggests your project may take a couple of months or more to be complete. I hope this resonates with you.

Hail Grand Duke Astaroth!

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You’re just in time. Send me the question!

@King1911 reading is complete!

Up next @ReyCuervo and @NavyBeans

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My question is, what exactly is in store for me financially?

Public response is fine, I don’t mind.

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I got mine.

@Vitriol got certain things, those that I can now right now, quite accurately, to the point that he guessed the exact time something is expected to last (as things stand right now). The rest, well, is a future thing, so there isn’t much that can be said, other than I hope he is right since it would be quite beneficial to me :smiley:

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The previous reading you did with Lady Lilith was very accurate, I got it right a few days ago, I’m sure this one will be the same. Thank you and lovely Duke astaroth, hail grand Duke astaroth.

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