Cursed Object/box

I guess that means I erect a few altars and pay daily respect and meditation.

I was considering the cursed box might have something like that coffin case necklace, or the box might have a veve on it. Sometimes a lighted magnifying glass comes in handy in your hand.
Or you might visually structure and observe the item as it is astrally/in meditation.

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These are likely just event triggered, but unless the person dumped a serious amount of power over a long period of time, then it’s either going to be attached to a power source directly (similar to a small portal, however small) or have an entity that is either attached or has agreed to recharge the box over time (suggesting a longer-term relationship with the creator of the curse).

If you can determine the trigger, then you may be able to reduce or disarm it. To create one like that means the working is somewhat sentient, rather than a fire and forget. This means it should have some type of awareness. Not sure if you want to go digging into that or not.

There is the possibility that an entity with those qualities was fused to the device (or several).

I’m not going to go into much more detail on my own experiments and understandings than that in the general forum. You can PM my, to speak more in-depth, just the two of us. Mostly to prevent people from harming themselves and not just others.


I’m on my way to work now but I’ll look at this closer tonight


I think it had alot of energy poured into it over a long time. I think this was well thought out and the timing of the delivery was calculated to a specific time to be delivered.