Ari's Adventures in Time and Space

August 27, 2022

I was inside Grey Skull. I knew he was ready to do the ritual that I had agreed to. We were in his temple. I insisted that Azazel be there. I needed someone there that i knew i could trust. No matter what.

We were inside a circle. Looking down at the floor. He was chanting and saying things that just seemed to move around me. I was watching Azazel. He stood firm as a rock not moving. Grey Skull started chanting. I knew what he was saying but I wasnt focused on it.

The floor changed to an opening to the abyss. Its odd like standing on an invisible force that keeps you from falling in.

I knew he was calling up an old goddess. An old one. I knew this. He told me to bring her up. That i could bring her up. I knew it was true and this was part of the deal. So i did I got on my knees leaning into the opening and started to pull her up. I could feel her reach the threshold and i knew in that moment there would need to be offerings. I had an offering. I let myself fill up with all of my anger and hurt and then i pushed my two offerings into the abyss. And i took long deep breathes. I could feel her rising up, and filling me. I could feel her come inside. I knew we had connected that she was now a part of me.

I stood and looked at Grey Skull. He held up a certain symbol and I looked at him and laughed. What power is that to be used on me? I did what was asked. I made the trade.
But I have the power. The power is in me. And I know Grey Skull wants the power. He wants to own and possess the power. Wasn’t that the deal in the beginning? Oh yea, you wanted power. But when it came down to it Grey Skull got scared and broke a pact. And by breaking that pact , Grey Skull brought down all kinds of trouble.

And you just made me even stronger.